Software Updates

Web Application Security – ModSecurity Commercial Rules, Update for October 2023

Written by | Nov 7, 2023 3:12:28 AM

Overview for rules released by Trustwave SpiderLabs in October for ModSecurity Commercial Rules package. The rules are available for versions 2.9.x and 3.x of ModSecurity.

ModSecurity Commercial Rules detect attacks or classes of attacks on web applications and their components as well as provide virtual patches for public vulnerabilities.


Release Summary


WordPress Plugin WPCode Lite < 2.0.9 - Arbitrary Log File Deletion via CSRF CVE-2023-1624

WordPress Plugin Custom Post Type UI < 1.13.5 - Debug Info Sending via CSRF CVE-2023-1623

WordPress Plugin Ajax Search Lite Pro < 4.26.2 - Multiple Reflected Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2023-1435

WordPress Plugin Ajax Search Lite < 4.11.1, Pro < 4.26.2 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2023-1420

WordPress Plugin WP VR < 8.3.0 - Subscriber+ Arbitrary Tour Update CVE-2023-1414

WordPress Plugin Easy Forms for MailChimp < 6.8.8 - Reflected XSS CVE-2023-1324

WordPress Plugin Steveas WP Live Chat Shoutbox <= 1.4.2 - Unauthenticated SQLi CVE-2023-1020

WordPress Plugin Steveas WP Live Chat Shoutbox <= 1.4.2 - Unauthenticated Stored XSS CVE-2023-0899

WordPress Plugin Random Text <= 0.3.0 - Subscriber+ SQLi CVE-2023-0388

WordPress Plugin Custom Post Type and Taxonomy GUI Manager <= 1.1 - Stored XSS via CSRF CVE-2023-0420

WordPress Plugin MyCryptoCheckout < 2.124 - Reflected XSS CVE-2023-1546

WordPress Plugin Quick Paypal Payments < - Admin+ Stored XSS CVE-2023-1554


How to Update


All the rules released this month are available for download and can be configured using the ModSecurity Dashboard. The rules are associated with the default profile and enabled for all licensed servers. To verify the rules were successfully downloaded by ModSecurity, log in to the ModSecurity Dashboard and verify the server "Last seen" date, which indicates the last successful download for the specified server.