Trustwave Database Security Knowledgebase (ShatterKB) 6.13 is now available. It introduces new checks for Elasticsearch, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, Percona Server for MySQL, SAP HANA, and Teradata. It also brings updates to compliance policies and a new for policy for CIS v1.1.0 for MySQL 8.0.
A list of new features subdivided by release that goes back to the oldest release which can be directly upgraded to the current release or last major release in the case of service packs.
New Checks - Elasticsearch
New Checks - Microsoft SQL Server
New Checks - MariaDB
New Checks - MongoDB
New Checks - MySQL
New Checks - Oracle
New Checks - Percona Server for MySQL
New Checks - PostgreSQL
New Checks - SAP HANA
New Checks - Teradata
New Policies
Full list of policy updates is available in the readme file located in the support portal