Something historic has happened: Attackers unleashed the largest distributed denial-of-service attack on record. Comprised of hacked Internet of Things technologies, the Mirai botnet - named for the malware that is used to infect IoT devices running with default credentials - was responsible for launching the punishing DDoS attack, which disrupted a wide swath of the internet for several hours and left dozens of popular websites and many hundreds more virtually unreachable.
There is a lot to unpack about this incident, from the increasingly potent capabilities of DDoS assaults to the inherent insecurity of IoT devices to the burden that falls on developers, end-users and service providers to improve the outlook. And the future is important to get right, considering many security experts believe the attack - even though it is only believed to be the work of attention-seeking script kiddies and not more sophisticated hackers - is an ominous sign of what is to come.
What should businesses take away from the event, and what role do they play in helping get things right? For insight and instructions, Trustwave Threat Intelligence Manager Karl Sigler joined me for another edition of "Trustwave Talks." Have a listen above!