Trustwave Blog

Using a Systematic Approach to Creating an Offensive Security Program

Written by | May 3, 2024

An offensive security strategy is a sophisticated and dynamic approach that extends beyond mere testing. It's a comprehensive plan that aligns with an organization's core mission, transforming security from a passive shield to an active spearhead. After all, in any fight, a combatant can only block punches for so long before striking back.

A systematic approach is crucial for crafting any offensive security strategy. The plan should begin with the security provider creating a thorough risk assessment, focusing on the organization's goals. This process will identify key assets—be it customer data, proprietary code, or essential business operations—as the first step and then develop clear goals, such as protecting intellectual property and directing efforts towards the most critical areas needing protection.

From these broad thoughts, a more refined strategy will emerge, homing in on specific, actionable objectives. For instance, if the goal is to protect proprietary algorithms, a concrete objective could be weekly, monthly, or quarterly penetration tests with a mandate to address vulnerabilities within a set timeframe.

Resource allocation is driven by these objectives. It involves not just budgeting for technology, but also ensuring a team with the right mix of skills is in place, equipped with the necessary tools to carry out and analyze offensive security measures like Red Team exercises.

Measuring the success of an offensive security strategy requires tangible metrics that reflect real-world progress and challenges. Specific key performance indicators (KPIs) can offer insights into the initiative's operational efficiency, coverage, and adaptability. A few possible KPIs could be:

  • Vulnerability Remediation Time: The amount of time the security provider or the client's security team needs to fix a detected vulnerability. The lower the remediation time points to a well-prepared and responsive security team.
  • Red Team Response: Measuring how well the client's security team performed during the test, did it quickly identify the attack, was its defense successful?

Continuous employee training and skill enhancement are vital. Staying abreast of the latest threats and techniques through regular workshops and certifications ensures the team's competency. 

Moreover, fostering a culture of security encourages employees to take their training seriously, further strengthening the organization's offensive security posture. This strategic approach ensures that an organization's security measures are not just a checklist but a living, evolving framework that supports its mission and adapts to the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.


Learn more about Trustwave's tailored Offensive Security programs.