Trustwave Unveils New Offerings to Maximize Value of Microsoft Security Investments. Learn More

Trustwave Unveils New Offerings to Maximize Value of Microsoft Security Investments. Learn More

Managed Detection & Response

Eliminate active threats with 24/7 threat detection, investigation, and response.

Co-Managed SOC (SIEM)

Maximize your SIEM investment, stop alert fatigue, and enhance your team with hybrid security operations support.

Advisory & Diagnostics

Advance your cybersecurity program and get expert guidance where you need it most.

Penetration Testing

Test your physical locations and IT infrastructure to shore up weaknesses before exploitation.

Database Security

Prevent unauthorized access and exceed compliance requirements.

Email Security

Stop email threats others miss and secure your organization against the #1 ransomware attack vector.

Digital Forensics & Incident Response

Prepare for the inevitable with 24/7 global breach response in-region and available on-site.

Firewall & Technology Management

Mitigate risk of a cyberattack with 24/7 incident and health monitoring and the latest threat intelligence.

Offensive Security
Solutions to maximize your security ROI
Microsoft Exchange Server Attacks
Stay protected against emerging threats
Rapidly Secure New Environments
Security for rapid response situations
Securing the Cloud
Safely navigate and stay protected
Securing the IoT Landscape
Test, monitor and secure network objects
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Trustwave eBook Now Available: 8 Experts on Offensive Security

It is now obvious that defensive measures alone are no longer sufficient to protect an organization from cyberattacks. Threat actors are increasing their capacity at such a rate that merely sitting back and hoping to spot and block known attack types will likely lead to a successful attack. What is needed is the proactive security stance provided by an offensive security solution.

Offensive security —which includes penetration testing, ethical hacking, and Red Teaming—is critical in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.

To help explain this evolution in defensive cybersecurity theory, Trustwave is offering a new eBook 8 Experts on Offensive Security.

This eBook is a collaborative effort between leading cybersecurity professionals and offensive security experts and provides deep insights into the necessity and implementation of proactive security measures. Recent challenges have underscored the importance of staying ahead, capable of not only reacting to threats but also anticipating and neutralizing them. Offensive security is about understanding attackers' mindsets and using that knowledge to fortify defenses and uncover hidden vulnerabilities to refine their security postures.

The eBook delves into various offensive security strategies and the critical roles they play in a modern cybersecurity framework. Through extensive research and expert interviews, we explore how these proactive measures can transform an organization's security posture. We encourage you to leverage the insights within these pages to move beyond compliance or defensive measures and truly embrace proactivity to elevate your security strategies for a more resilient future.

8 Experts on Offensive Security Cover:

  • Scoping the right offensive security program
  • Tailoring your team and assessing skills and experience
  • Getting value fast
  • Testing beyond compliance
  • Combining offense and defense.

The eBook fully investigates these points and explains how Offensive Security programs should offer more than annual penetration testing. Partnering with a qualified provider will help identify any gaps in a client’s security program and provide expert resources to find the vulnerabilities attackers use. With ever-increasing technological complexity and dependencies, choosing a trusted partner to help plan and deliver the right testing program for the organization is more critical than ever.

Click the image below to download your copy today!



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