A Simple Fix for the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage

Data breaches are earning front-page headlines on a near-daily basis, yet many companies across ...

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4 Scary Truths We Observed During National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Friday is Halloween - and the ghosts and goblins will be out in full force in search of chocolate ...

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6 Technologies That Will Expand Your Anti-Malware Arsenal

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Why Preventing Retail Breaches Requires a Team Effort

2014 is very much shaping up as the Year of the Retail Breach - nary a week goes by in which we ...

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Yes, Your Password is Easy to Crack

Earlier this year, we told you about a password analysis we conducted on the Pony botnet, a ...

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Sandboxes May Not Be Much Fun for Your Network

While products that implement sandboxing techniques can detect zero-day malware, targeted attacks ...

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5 Reasons to Go Beyond HIPAA Compliance

With the next 12 months promising to bring "especially aggressive punishment" of violations under ...

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A Simple Strategy to Make Life Harder for Hackers

In 2004, Bill Gates predicted that the death of the password was imminent. Yet, a decade later, ...

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3 Warning Signs You May Be Drowning in Apps and Placing Security at Risk

Web, mobile and cloud applications are insanely popular - both from an end-user consumption ...

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Despite All of the Breaches, Why Aren't Passwords Getting Any Stronger?

Security companies like ours offer an assortment of technologies and services that organizations ...

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3 Application Lifecycle Phases You Must Security Test

Data breaches are no joke. Incidents involving the loss or exposure of sensitive information can ...

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Why 'Comprehensive' Application Security Is More Important Than Ever

Ask an IT person why they scan certain applications for vulnerabilities, and they'll most often ...

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March Madness? More like March Malware-ness

We know March Madness is here because our phones are ringing with security leaders on the other ...

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Has Cyber Security Awareness Improved Among the Largest U.K. Businesses?

In November 2011, the U.K. government launched its Cyber Security Strategy in hopes of placing the ...

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How to Design a Defense Against Point-of-Sale Malware Attacks

Despite increasingly tighter data protection standards, more advanced security technology and ...

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How to Prepare for the Incoming Wave of HIPAA Audits

I joined some colleagues from Trustwave last week in Orlando, Fla. for HIMSS14, one of the nation's ...

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How to Survive After Windows XP Dies

"The art of dying graciously is nowhere advertised, in spite of the fact that its market potential ...

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At Trustwave, we're thankful for each other and that we get to help you

Humans spend a significant portion of their lives at work. I won't burden you with the statistics ...

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Toilet hacks: More relevant to enterprise security than you might think

As we call a wrap on another busy conference season, I've had some time to think about a question ...

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Why Vulnerability Scanning is Important for Small Businesses

Trustwave's SpiderLabs team has been hard at work. You may have seen their recent updates on the ...

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