The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification: 5 Important Things to Know and Prepare For

The Department of Defense (DoD) is not immune to cybersecurity incidents. Given the expansive list ...

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BEC Campaigns: Is Deepfake Tech a Cybercriminals Next Biggest Asset?

The modern-day cybercriminal may possess technical knowledge that greatly surpasses that of the ...

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Embarking on a Hybrid SOC Journey

The idea of a hybrid security operations center (SOC) is a combination of operating models. On one ...

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Misconfigurations: A Hacker’s Path of Least Resistance

Security professionals today are keen on learning what the latest threats posed to their ...

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Becoming Agile in Today’s Cyber Climate

The first step for any security professional joining an organization as its new data protection ...

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How to Minimize the Value of Your Database

As a human, it’s difficult to part ways with certain items of value, and when you start putting too ...

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Red Teaming or Pen Testing? A Quick Guide to Determine Your Testing Needs

As businesses are increasingly requiring anywhere, anytime access, strategic turmoil has erupted ...

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Overcoming Security Policy Management Hurdles in the Cloud

Multi-cloud computing is the norm for companies looking to take a fast and innovative approach to ...

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Are You CCPA Compliant? Here’s What Security Professionals Need to Know

In what many have deemed the year of data privacy, 2018 featured incidents which raised the data ...

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Purchasing a Cybersecurity Insurance Policy? Consider These 3 Details

In a cyber climate where businesses are doing everything possible to minimize risk, nearly ...

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Protecting the Hybrid Cloud: What to Expect and What to do About It

On the surface, organizations that opt for a hybrid cloud approach look to tap into the benefits of ...

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They’re Watching You: How to Reduce Dwell Time in Your Environment

Everyone likes to hear a good hero story, like a serial killer being apprehended or a child being ...

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The Obstacles Preventing You From Securing the Last Mile

Perhaps one of the most challenging areas that the security function has to secure is referred to ...

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Cloaking Dirty Deeds: How to Inspect Encrypted Network Traffic

In the constant battle between good and evil in the digital realm, security warriors can’t seem to ...

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Why Inefficiency is a Database Auditor’s Worst Nightmare

The data protection ecosystem within an enterprise features a collection of roles that all play ...

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How to Build the Ideal SOC

With businesses evolving rapidly and leveraging new tools to enhance their operations and ...

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Complete Visibility for Security Leaders Makes Its Debut

What do successful pilots, surgeons, and photographers have in common? Excellent vision. Security ...

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Effort vs. Knowledge: The Truth Behind Security Awareness Training

Assuming the data security learning curve of your average employee is lower because a majority of ...

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The Benefits of Upskilling in Cybersecurity

The cyber skills gap is more than just a bump in the road for security leaders. With organizations ...

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Analysis, Advice and Predictions from a Ransomware First Responder

We’ve previously suggested that 2015 may have been the year “ransomware hit the big time,” but ...

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The What, Why, and How of AttackSurfaceMapper

The primary goal for any security professional today is to present less of a target-rich ...

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Securing Multi-Cloud Environments in the Digital Era

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What to Prepare for Before Your Next Cybersecurity RFP

With the number of data assets, endpoints, networks, employees, and customers consistently growing ...

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Experts Q&A: Revisiting 2019 Cybersecurity Predictions

Time flies, especially in the world of cybersecurity. We’re already mid-way through the year, and a ...

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7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Security Partner

As cyber threats continue to proliferate and pressure on in-house security personnel grows, it’s ...

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Protecting the Multi-Cloud Business of Tomorrow

Businesses are accelerating at an alarming rate. That’s mostly due in part to the nature of the ...

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How to Bake Anticipation into Enterprise Cybersecurity

We’ve all heard the castle and the moat analogy when it comes to cybersecurity. But those days are ...

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3 Enterprise Cybersecurity Obstacles Trusted Allies Can Manage

Hiring first-class talent. Communicating the cyber risk story upstream to enterprise stakeholders. ...

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