How to Get Security Peace of Mind Against Advanced Email Threats

The dangers of email security are often understated. One successful email attack can lead to ...

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Russia-Ukraine Crisis Heightens Malicious Cyber Activity: 8 Ways to Bolster Your Cyber Defense

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has placed organizations worldwide on full alert due to ...

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Purple Team Exercises: Preparing a Cybersecurity Team for a Red Team Attack

This is the second in a series of blogs that describes the importance and inner workings of ...

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5 Ways CISOs Can Leverage the Power of Trustwave Security Colony

Home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes are the lifeline for a lot of contractors looking ...

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Empowering Women in Cybersecurity

Every woman in cybersecurity should be empowered. Cybersecurity innovation thrives on diversity of ...

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Achieving Cyber Resilience With a Proper Training Program

A critical part of improving a business’ cyber resilience is ensuring staff, including the ...

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CISO Bytes Podcast: Russia-Ukraine Crisis, Combatting Nation-State Threats for Critical Infrastructure and Beyond

In this episode of the Trustwave CISO Bytes Podcast, host David Bishop, Chief Information Security ...

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Nation-State Actors or Common Cybercriminal, Your Cyber Fundamentals May Be Your Achilles’ Heel

I have seen quite a few articles of late proclaiming that a major cyberattack against Australia is ...

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Creating Buy-In for a Cybersecurity Awareness Program

There is more to implementing a successful cybersecurity training program than to task IT with the ...

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Be Prepared: Tax Scam Season is in Full Swing

It's somehow fitting that Groundhog Day and tax scam season overlap.

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Ransomware on the Rise in 2021

Ransomware continued to be the most significant cybersecurity threat facing critical ...

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Red, Purple, and Blue: The Colors of a Successful Cybersecurity Testing Program

This is the first in a series of blogs that will describe the importance of conducting Red and ...

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Webinar - The Age of MSSPs: Uncovering the Why’s of Managed Services

With security risks continuously mounting and the threat landscape evolving at record speed, ...

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Data Assessment in Healthcare: Knowing What Data You Have Is Half the Battle

When it comes to protecting personal healthcare information or a medical facility from cyberattacks ...

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Mitigating Third-Party Vendor Risk in Your Supply Chain

A recent survey by the analyst firm Gartner, showed that 89% of companies experienced a supplier ...

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6 Tips for Supply Chain Risk Management in 2022

Forrester recently predicted that in 2022, 60% of security incidents would involve third parties. ...

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How Data Privacy Has Evolved in the Age of the Breach

As Data Privacy Day once again rolls around, we can look back at some healthy improvements when it ...

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Log4j: How a Single Vulnerability Can Affect Multiple Systems

There are truisms that span history. One truism is that a single mistake can lead to disaster, and ...

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Russia’s FSB Takes Down REvil Cyber Gang in an Unprecedented Series of Raids

Reuters reported on Friday that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and local police ...

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How to Outplay the Ransomware Playbook

Organizations across industries are increasingly concerned about their cybersecurity posture and ...

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FIN7 Sends BadUSB Devices to U.S. Businesses as Part of Targeted Ransomware Campaign

First reported by The Record, the FBI has issued a new security Flash Alert warning organizations ...

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CISO's Corner: The Four Best Cybersecurity Investments You Can Make During the Cyber Talent Shortage

The need for strong cybersecurity has reached critical mass. Seventy-six percent of security ...

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Breaking Out of the Vicious Cycle of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware has quickly become one of the most prevalent cyber threats facing organizations today. ...

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A Year of Threat Intel: Looking Back at SpiderLabs Research in 2021

2021 will go down in the record book as another critical year in the cybersecurity sector, with ...

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The Year in Review: Looking Back at the Top Trustwave Blog Posts

The most popular Trustwave blog posts in 2021 were indicative of the year itself in cyber. There ...

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Preparedness, Speed and Communication are the Cornerstones of a Solid Ransomware Defense

Ransomware attackers today have the technical skill and tools to analyze a target’s defenses and ...

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Cybersecurity in the Year Ahead: Trustwave 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions – APAC Edition

This is part 3 of Trustwave’s 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions blog series brought to you by our APAC ...

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The Cybersecurity Playbook You Need to Run To Mitigate Risk During M&A

Mergers and acquisitions are high-risk endeavors, sometimes with billions of dollars and corporate ...

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