Trustwave Blog

5 Security Things to Know for the Week of Feb. 18

Written by Dan Kaplan | Feb 18, 2019

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Now, here is what’s making security headlines to start your week:

1. Emotet Causing Fret: The prolific Emotet banking Trojan, considered one of the biggest current malware threats, is showing increased activity and added new capabilities to evade defenses.

2. Oh My: A USB cable hiding a Wi-Fi controller and a backdoor, designed by a researcher and nicknamed Offensive MG, or O.MG, could be connected to computer to execute malicious commands.

3. You’re Not Welcome: Microsoft kicked out eight apps from its official store for secretly mining users’ computers for cryptocurrency.

4. Backing Off: Google walked back planned policy changes that would have limited ad blockers in Chrome.

5. Gotcha: A phishing attack relying on a bogus Facebook login prompt is fooling even the most suspecting users.