SpiderLabs Blog

The WannaCry Impact on Databases Trustwave Database Security Knowledgebase Special Update 5.15

Written by Lolita Chandra | Jun 2, 2017 1:38:00 PM

WannaCry is a network worm that exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft's implementation of the SMB protocol. This exploit (codenamed "EternalBlue") has been made available on the internet through the Shadowbrokers dump on April 14th, 2017 and was addressed by Microsoft in their security bulletin MS17-010, along with a subsequently issues patch.

How does WannaCry impact Databases?

The vulnerability is a 'Remote Code Execution' vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the attacked host, in short, the attacker can do whatever he/she wants to with the host. For a database server, the attacker can possibly read all data in the database, including sensitive data, change that data, or delete it. In the case of WannaCry, it actually looks for specific database file extensions to encrypt (e.g. .accdb,.dbf, .mdb, .myd, .odb, .sql). Organizations that leverage databases running on vulnerable Windows hosts could experience significant business impact.

What steps can I take to mitigate risk?

Trustwave AppDetectivePRO and DbProtect customers should immediately download and run the "Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure)" SHATTER® Knowledgebase check, which tests if a Windows host is vulnerable to WannaCry and other attacks exploiting the aformentioned vulnerability. Click here to access the check.

What else do I need to do?

Apply missing patches that address known issues, perform regularly scheduled vulnerability assessment scans, schedule (at least) annual penetration tests, and implement security best practices to continuously improve database, network, and application security.

How can Trustwave help?

Trustwave SpiderLabs has issued a special knowledgebase update 5.15 for AppDetectivePRO and DbProtect that adds a new check specifically for WannaCry. Details are enclosed below:

AppDetectivePRO and DbProtect Knowledgebase Update 5.15

New Vulnerability and Configuration Check Highlights


  • Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure)
  • Verify that the patch for the SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability is applied.
  • Risk: High
  • Minimum AD/SE version to run: 8.6.1/3.0

Microsoft SQL Server

  • Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure)
  • Verify that the patch for the SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability is applied.
  • Risk: High
  • Minimum AD/SE version to run: 8.6.1/3.0


  • Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure)
  • Verify that the patch for the SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability is applied.
  • Risk: High
  • Minimum AD/SE version to run: 8.6.1/3.0


  • Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure)
    • Verify that the patch for the SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability is applied.
    • Risk: High
    • Minimum AD/SE version to run: 8.6.1/3.0

Sybase ASE

  • Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure)
    • Verify that the patch for the SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability is applied.
    • Risk: High
    • Minimum AD/SE version to run: 8.6.1/3.0

New Policies

  • DISA-STIG Oracle 11gR2 V1R11 - Audit (Built-in)

This policy has been created with the guidelines mapped out in the DOD Security Technical Implementation Guides "Oracle Database 11.2g Security Technical Implementation Guide Version 1 Release 11"

  • DISA-STIG Oracle 12c V1R7 - Audit (Built-In)

This policy has been created with the guidelines mapped out in the DOD Security Technical Implementation Guides "Oracle Database 12c Security Technical Implementation Guide Version 1 Release 7"

  • DISA-STIG SQL Server 2012 V1R14 - Audit (Built-In)

This policy has been created with guidance of the configuration parameters outlined by the DISA-STIG Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Security Technical Implementation Guide Version 1, Release 14

  • DISA-STIG SQL Server 2014 V1R4 - Audit (Built-in)

This policy has been created with guidance of the configuration parameters outlined by the DISA-STIG Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Security Technical Implementation Guide Version 1, Release 4

Updated Policies

DISA-STIG SQL Server 2012 V1R13 - Audit (Built-In)

  • New Checks:
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Audit privileged activities: Medium
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Audit unsuccessful attempts to execute privileged activities: Medium
  • Microsoft SQL Server: DBMS Password Complexity: Medium
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Protection of DBMS asymmetric encryption keys: Informational

Operating System - Audit (Built-in)

  • New Checks
  • IBM DB2 LUW: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure): High
  • MySQL: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure): High
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure): High
  • Oracle: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure): High
  • Sybase ASE: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (WannaCry ransomware exposure): High

User Creation Scripts

  • There have been no changes in this release.