Yet Another Archive Format Smuggling Malware

The use of novel disk image files to encapsulate malware distributed via spam has been a theme that ...

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Thousands of Vulnerable VMWare vCenter Servers Still Publicly Exposed (CVE-2021-21985, CVE-2021-21986)

Background On May 25th, 2021, VMWare released patches to address VMSA-2021-0010, a critical ...

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Patch Tuesday, June 2021

Summer is officially here and with it June's Patch Tuesday. This is a surprisingly light month with ...

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Huawei LTE USB Stick E3372: From File Overwrite to Code Execution

In today's world, more and more devices are connected to the Internet for on-the-go connectivity. ...

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Web Applications and Internal Penetration Tests

Until recently, I really didn't care about web applications on an internal penetration test. ...

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CVE-2021-31166: RCE in Microsoft HTTP.sys

In the May 2021 Microsoft update, Microsoft patched an HTTP.sys vulnerability that has the ability ...

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Exploitation of Sharepoint 2016: Simple Things Matter – Case Study

Sharepoint is generally used as an intranet site, to share news and other internal company ...

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Patch Tuesday, May 2021

May's Patch Tuesday is upon us and probably the most surprising thing about the release is that ...

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Pingback: Backdoor At The End Of The ICMP Tunnel

Introduction In this post, we analyze a piece of malware that we encountered during a recent breach ...

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All Your Databases Belong To Me! A Blind SQLi Case Study

“All your base are belong to us”, Zero game 1992

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Patch Tuesday, April 2021

April's Patch Tuesday is upon us and it is showering us with patches for a total of 108 CVEs. This ...

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HTML Lego: Hidden Phishing at Free JavaScript Site

This blog investigates an interesting phishing campaign we encountered recently. In this campaign, ...

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Elevate Yourself to Admin in Umbraco CMS 8.9.0 (CVE-2020-29454)

Umbraco version 8.9.0 (also seen in 8.6.3) has a privilege escalation issue in the core ...

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You Just Received 25k USD in Your BTC Account! A Practical Phishing Defense Tutorial

From time to time, we all receive some unexpected messages. Either through social media or email. ...

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From Creative Password Hashes to Administrator: Gone in 60 Seconds (Or Thereabouts)

Picture the scene, you’re on an application penetration test (as a normal user) and you’ve managed ...

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HAFNIUM, China Chopper and ASP.NET Runtime

The recent Microsoft Exchange Server zero-day exploits (CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26857, ...

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Image File Trickery Part II: Fake Icon Delivers NanoCore

The .zipx file extension is used to denote that the ZIP archive format is compressed using advanced ...

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Patch Tuesday, March 2021

The March Patch Tuesday is here and it's been an unfortunately busy month for Microsoft. Earlier ...

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Trustwave's Action Response to the Microsoft Exchange Server Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Attacks


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The Many Roads Leading To Agent Tesla

Agent Tesla is a common Remote Access Trojan (RAT) discovered in 2014. This threat is capable of ...

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Patch Tuesday, February 2021

February is here and with it comes a relatively light Patch Tuesday. Only 56 CVEs are being patched ...

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Full System Control with New SolarWinds Orion-based and Serv-U FTP Vulnerabilities

Updates: This blog post was updated Feb. 9 to include Proof-of-Concept (PoC) code.

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Patch Tuesday, January 2021

The first Patch Tuesday of 2021 is here and the year is starting out lighter than most. Perhaps a ...

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Microsoft Teams and Skype Logging Privacy Issue

Description: This blog post focuses on the privacy issues that Microsoft Teams & Skype desktop ...

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A Trump Sex Video? No, It's a RAT!

While reviewing our spam traps, a particular campaign piqued our interest primarily because the ...

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Phishing the Holiday Season

Yes! It’s that time of the year again! The time for celebrating our traditions, a time of giving, ...

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Trustwave’s Action Response To the FireEye Data Breach & SolarWinds Orion Compromise

UPDATES This blog post was updated March 17 to include information on new Trustwave IDS updates.

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D-Link: Multiple Security Vulnerabilities Leading to RCE

On the 30th of October, D-Link published a support announcement and released a new firmware to ...

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