HTTPrint vs. ModSecurity

There was a great email posted to the ModSecurity user mail-list today that asked about ...

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PHP Peculiarities for ModSecurity Users

As I was reviewing the ModSecurity 2.1.0-rc7 Reference Manual I realised it did not contain some ...

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ModSecurity 2.1.0 Improvements

I have just packaged and released ModSecurity for Apache v2.1.0-rc7, in preparation for the first ...

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SANS @Risk Web Vulnerabilities List Mitigation Steps

This is a listing of Web Application Vulnerabilities that were released by SANS in their @RISK ...

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Top 10 Web Hacks of 2006

Jeremiah Grossman gives an excellent overview of the top Web hacks of 2006. If you haven't been ...

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Key Advantages of the Core Rule Set

Following a question on the core rule set on the ModSecuirty mailing list, I would like to list ...

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Using ModSecurity 2 Collections in Rules

A recent posting on the ModSecurity mailing list by K.C. Li is a very good excuse to discuss some ...

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ModSecurity v2.0 Webcast

In response to many of the common questions and issues posted to the mail-list, we at Breach ...

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Talking About ModSecurity 2.0 With Federico Biancuzzi for SecurityFocus

A while ago Federico Biancuzzi contacted me to ask if I'd be interested to give an interview for ...

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ModSecurity Cookie and Link Protection Patch

A significant event occurred on the mod-security-users mailing list in July: a large code ...

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ModSecurity Performance Tip

I was asked recently to investigate performance of an ModSecurity installation in order to see if ...

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Apache Reverse Proxy Memory Consumption Observations

Last week I spent some time stress-testing Apache 2.2.3 configured to work as a reverse proxy. I ...

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ModSecurity 1.9.x Performance Testing

You can tell that I am too busy when I take almost three months to blog about something interesting ...

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Forrester Research Q2 2006 Web Application Firewall Evaluation

Back in March 2006 I was approached by Forrester Research and invited to participate in their Q2 ...

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Yahoo Small Business offers 'ModSecurity-like' functionality

I just came across this and can't help but make a note about it: A web hosting package offered by ...

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ModSecurity 2: Variables, Collections and Transaction Scoring

Variables and collections are concepts new to ModSecurity 2. ModSecurity 1.x does allow you to use ...

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ModSecurity Console Now Available

I love the command line, I do. But there are some tasks where this type of user interface is simply ...

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ModSecurity 2: Explicit Normalisation Options

One of the things I realy dislike in ModSecurity 1.x is that its anti-evasion features are ...

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Secure Browsing Mode Proposal

It's very well known (and even widely accepted) that our current web application deployment model ...

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Jailing Apache On Windows

Yury Zaytsev wrote to me recently to tell me about his experiences in jailing Apache on Windows. ...

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Embeddable Web Application Firewalls and Impedance Mismatch

Some of you may remember I wrote about impedance mismatch that occurs between security layers. Ryan ...

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ModSecurity for Apache 2.0.0-beta-3 now available!

I have been awfully quiet recently, having made my last post to this blog in late March. I have a ...

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Apache suEXEC chroot patch

I was recently involved with a project where we needed to configure an Apache server that was ...

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First development release of ModSecurity 2.x

It's that time of year again, when I get to work on new features (instead of supporting the old ...

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Small but important improvements in ModSecurity 1.9.3

I have just released ModSecurity for Apache 1.9.3-rc1, a release candidate, as I always do when ...

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ModSecurity Elevator Pitch at EUSecWest

I spent some time this week at the EUSecWest conference here in London. EUSecWest is a ...

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Web application firewalls primer

(IN)SECURE Magazine Issue 1.5 has just been published. I wrote the cover story, titled "Web ...

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ModSecurity Rules subproject added

If you are a ModSecurity user you may have noticed that I am distributing ModSecurity without any ...

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