Installling ModSecurity

ModSecurity is a really powerful beast. It can do anything you want, at least when what you want ...

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WASC Distributed Open Proxy Honeypot: Blind SQL Injection Attempt (Update)

As some of you may know, I am heading up the WASC Distributed Open Proxy Honeypot Project. The ...

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ModSecurity Training at OWASP/WASC AppSec 2007

I am very excited to announce that I will be instructing a live 2-day ModSecurity Training class at ...

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ModSecurity 2.1.3 Now Available

ModSecurity 2.1.3 is the latest stable release of ModSecurity. The 2.1.3 release contains some ...

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Web Services Security

NIST has released a new guide on securing Web Services. It is a pretty good read for anyone who is ...

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Virtual Patching During Incident Response: United Nations Defacement

Virtual Patching is a policy for a web application firewall (in this case ModSecurity) that is able ...

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ModSecurity 2.1.2 Released

Today I released ModSecurity 2.1.2. This is the latest stable release of ModSecurity. The 2.1.2 ...

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On Your Marks, Get Set, Go: Vulnerability Mitigation Race

In many ways vulnerability remediation is like a Track and Field race and the firing of the ...

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ScallyWhack: ModSecurity Rules Package to Deal with Trac Comment Spam

Michael Renzmann wrote to the ModSecurity mailing list recently announcing project ScallyWhack. ...

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Another ModSecurity Development Release

Last week I released the second ModSecurity development release, 2.5.0-dev2, in preparation for the ...

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Apache Process Infection

A very interesting research paper titled "Apache Prefork MPM Vulnerabilities" was released a few ...

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Optimizing Regular Expressions

As many of you have noticed, the Core Rule Set contains very complex regular expressions. For ...

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Managing ModSecurity Alerts: More Console Tuning

In a previous Blog entry, I outlined a number of steps that you could take to increase performance ...

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Extended Validation Certificates: A Change for the Better (But Not Enough)

On June 12th, 2007, the CA/Browser Forum (a group that consists of leading certificate authorities ...

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Universal PDF XSS Revisited

The Universal PDF XSS vulnerability was a tipping point for most people involved with web ...

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ModSecurity Rule for Full-width/Half-width Unicode Evasion Detection

You have probably heard it by now, but US-CERT released a Vulnerability Note last week entitled ...

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ModSecurity 2.2.0 Development Releases

Hello all. As this is my first official blog entry, let me first start off with a short ...

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ModSecurity Console Performance Tuning

Help, my ModSecurity Community Console is not responding!" Perhaps you have seen this type of email ...

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ModSecurity Migration Matrix

For all of you who are using ModSecurity 1.x and looking for information on migrating to Mod 2.x, ...

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Webinar Featuring WHID on the Top Trends in Web Application Threats

On April 11th I'm going to present a webinar on web application security, with a twist. The Webinar ...

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Regular Expression Development Tools

Since ModSecurity is based on regular expressions. Writing rules requires developing and testing ...

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2.1/1.x Rule Differences For Identifying Missing/Empty Headers and Variables

There are certain scenarios where you might want to create white-listed ModSecurity rulesets which ...

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ModSecurity Console: Purpose and Deployment

If you have more then 1 ModSecurity installation, you have undoubtedly run into issues with ...

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ModSecurity ASCIIZ Evasion

It has been brought to our attention that a fault in the ModSecurity parsing code has been ...

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ModSecurity Status Report

I enjoyed talked about ModSecurity (and web application firewalls) in front of the London OWASP ...

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Handling False Positives and Creating Custom Rules

It is inevitable; you will run into some False Positive hits when using web application firewalls. ...

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Dealing with Impedance Mismatch

In my previous post I described a potential problem with web application firewalls protecting web ...

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Testing Core Rules Protection For An Example SQL Injection Vulnerability

SANS released their 6th edition of the @RISK Weekly News Letter. In it, there were a total of 44 ...

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