ModSecurity In HP-UX Internet Express

We receive questions about ModSecurity running on HP-UX from time to time, but since we don't have ...

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ModSecurity Licensing Exception Draft Is Ready

As you may know, ModSecurity is licensed under GPL version 2. This license has served us reasonably ...

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Integrating Vulnerability Scanners and Web Application Firewalls

In case you missed it, Breach Security has teamed up with WhiteHat Security so that their Sentinel ...

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ModSecurity Is Blooming

OWASP AppSec Europe 2008 in Ghent, which I wrote about in a previous post, indeed felt like a ...

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What's the Score of the Game - Part 2: Web Security Metrics

In my earlier post entitled "What's the Score of the Game?" I presented the concept that what ...

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ModSecurity Training at Blackhat USA

We are excited to announce that Breach Security will be running the 2-day ModSecurity Bootcamp ...

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What's the Score of the Game?

We, as the webappsec community, should try and move away from "Holy Wars" debating that there is ...

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ModSecurity 2.6 RoadMap

ModSecurity 2.6 will likely be the last branch before ModSecurity 3. The 2.6 branch will ...

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ModSecurity 2.5 Phrase Match Operator Performance

Quite a few people have asked about the performance differences between using the regular ...

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ModSecurity Party in Ghent on May 20th

In my previous post, in which I was commenting on the OWASP AppSec agenda, I forgot to mention the ...

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ModSecurity Community Console v1.0.3 Now Available

I've just released an update to ModSecurity Community Console, our free audit log aggregation ...

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ModSecurity Training at OWASP AppSec Europe

We are excited to announce that a ModSecurity 2-day training class has been added to the upcoming ...

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ApacheCon Europe: Web Intrusion Detection with ModSecurity

I've had a pleasure of participating in ApacheCon Europe in Amsterdam this week. Paradoxically, ...

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Web Application Firewall Concepts

I went through all my ModSecurity Blog posts yesterday, partly to admire myself for blogging ...

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ModSecurity User Survey

With the release of ModSecurity 2.5 yesterday, this seemed like the perfect time to get feedback ...

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ModSecurity 2.5 Released

The final version of ModSecurity 2.5.0, the long awaited next stable version of ModSecurity, is now ...

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Web Hacking Incidents Database Annual Report for 2007

Breach Labs which sponsors WHID has issued an analysis of the Web Hacking landscape in 2007 based ...

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ModSecurity 2.5 Status

The ModSecurity 2.5 release is scheduled for early/mid February. With the ModSecurity 2.5 release ...

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Content Injection Use Case Example

ModSecurity 2.5 introduces a really cool, yet somewhat obscure feature called Content Injection. ...

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Yes, the Tide for Web Application Firewalls is Turning

Some time ago I decided to start a new blog, a place where I would be able to address the topics ...

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ModSecurity Data Formats

I have just added a new section to the ModSecurity v2.5 Reference Manual, describing the data ...

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Speaking About ModSecurity at ApacheCon Europe 2008

I will be speaking about ModSecurity at ApacheCon Europe in Amsterdam later this year. I hear ...

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SQL Injection Attack Infects Thousands of Websites

Here is a snippet from the just released SANS NewsBites letter:

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Set-based Pattern Matching Example

Large Wordlist Example You will find the greatest benefit of using the set based matching opertors ...

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OWASP London Chapter December 6th Presentations Now Online

We've had a couple of very interesting presentations on the OWASP London Chapter December 6th ...

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Initial Release Candidate for ModSecurity 2.5.0 (2.5.0-rc1)

The first release candidate for the ModSecurity 2.5 release is now available. It has been a while ...

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Using Transactional Variables Instead of SecRuleRemoveById

Using SecRuleRemoveById to handle false positives The SecRuleRemoveById directive is most often ...

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ModSecurity 2.1.4 Now Available

ModSecurity 2.1.4 is the latest stable release of ModSecurity. The 2.1.4 release includes an ...

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