Google Android Focus Stealing Vulnerability Demo

Way back in August 2011, myself and Sean Schulte gave a presentation at DEF CON 19 called "This is ...

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TWSL2011-013: Multiple Vulnerabilities in IceWarp Mail Server

The Spiderlabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory today which detail issues discovered in ...

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Analyzing PDF Malware - Part 1


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Trustwave Releases New ModSecurity Rules and Support

ModSecurity is the most popular open source web application firewall (WAF) deployed today. We ...

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Blinkie Lights howto by nosteve

At DEF CON 19, I showed a project that uses an LED matrix to display network sessions. The goal of ...

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Advanced BNAT in the Wild

Just this week, we were asked to help out with some "TCP weirdness" that was identified out on a ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Remote File Inclusion Attack Detection

Remote file inclusion (RFI) is a popular technique used to attack web applications (especially php ...

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Morto: More than Meets the Eye

There's been a lot of talk the past week or so about Morto. For those unfamiliar or unaware, Morto ...

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Implementing AppSensor Detection Points in ModSecurity

This is a follow-up to a previous blog post entitled "Real-time Application Profiling" that ...

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Detecting Malice with ModSecurity: (Updated) CSRF Attacks

UPDATE - since this original post, we added new data manipulation capabilities to v2.6.0 with the ...

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(Updated) Mitigation of Apache Range Header DoS Attack

Update After deeper research into the underlying vulnerability and analyzing customer traffic, ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: (Updated) Exception Handling

UPDATE - since this original post, we added new exception handling capabilities to v2.6.0 which are ...

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What Do Bug Bounties Cover?

Over the past few days in the UK we have been bombarded with arguments and debates over the use of ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Automated Virtual Patching Script

Automated Virtual Patching Example Script

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Audit Log Searching with ModGrep

This is an updated section from my previous book Preventing Web Attacks with Apache and discusses a ...

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Auto-BAHN: Using Smart phones to create emergency, ad hoc networks

Thomas Wilhelm, Sr. Security Consultant at Trustwave SpiderLabs, revealed a proof of concept this ...

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TWSL2011-008: Focus Stealing Vulnerability in Android

The SpiderLabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory today, which details an issue identified ...

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Regression Workaround for TWSL2011-007: The iOS SSL Validation Vulnerability (UPDATED)

Trustwave SpiderLabs recently released an advisory (TWSL2011-007) regarding improper x509 ...

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What Web Application Security Monitoring Can Learn From Casino Surveillance

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New Edition of SpiderLabs Radio - Interviews with SpiderLabs DEF CON Speakers

This month, Zack Fasel and Tom Mackenzie interview the SpiderLabs Team Members presenting at DEF ...

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Detecting Malice with ModSecurity: HoneyTraps

This week's installment of Detecting Malice with ModSecurity will discuss how to implement ...

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Live ModSecurity Challenges at Blackhat Arsenal

ModSecurity is participating in the upcoming Blackhat Arsenal Tools Demo next week in Las Vegas.

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ModSecurity SQL Injection Challenge: Lessons Learned

This is a post-mortem blog post to discuss the successful Level II evasions found by participants ...

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A whole lot of Spiders at DEF CON 19

Next week members of Trustwave's SpiderLabs team will be headed to Las Vegas to attend DEF CON 19. ...

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TWSL2011-007: iOS SSL Implementation Does Not Validate Certificate Chain

The SpiderLabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory today, which details an issue identified ...

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Advanced Topic of the Week: (Updated) Real-time Blacklist Lookups

Updated - the information in this blog has been updated to reflect the current RBL enhancement ...

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Announcing Release of ModSecurity v2.6.1

Availability of ModSecurity 2.6.1-RC1 Release (July 18, 2011) The ModSecurity Development Team is ...

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Spiders Are FUN!!! at DEF CON 19

DEF CON's coming up soon (3 weeks to be exact), and there's a lot of excellent talks lined up, ...

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