Scripting Metasploit using MSGRPC

While there are many aspects of network pen testers that sets the good testers apart from the bad, ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Extensive 'setup.php' Scanning Detected

The SpiderLabs Research Team has identified an extensive scanning campaign which aims to enumerate ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday (January 2012): Media Player and The BEAST

The statisticians over at the Patch Tuesday Farmer's Almanac are saying that 7 bulletins in January ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Multiple Local File Inclusion Attacks

Our web server honeypot log analysis has picked up some targeted local file inclusion (LFI) attacks ...

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ModSecurity Mitigations for ASP.NET HashTable DoS Vulnerability (CVE-2011-3414)

ThreatPost had a news story today about PoC code that was released to the full disclosures ...

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Introducing SQLol

At the most recent Austin Hackers Association meeting I unveiled a project I've been working on for ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Mitigation of 'Slow Read' Denial of Service Attack

Slow-Read DoS Attack Background Another tweak in the ongoing "Slow" DoS attacks has emerged this ...

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Analyzing PDF Malware - Part 2

Where were we?

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Virtual Patch for ASP.Net Forms Authentication Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2011-3416)

Last Thursday, Microsoft released an out-of-band security patch (MS11-100) which includes a fix for ...

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[Honeypot Alert] phpThumb() 'fltr[]' Parameter Command Injection Detected

The SpiderLabs Research Team has identified active scanning for the phpThumb() 'fltr[]' Parameter ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Plone and Zope Remote Command Execution Detected

We have identified active scanning for the recent Plone and Zope Remote Command Execution ...

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TWSL2011-019: Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in phpMyAdmin

The Spiderlabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory for a Cross-Side-Scripting (XSS) found in ...

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TWSL2011-018: Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in IBM TS3100/TS3200 Web User Interface

The Spiderlabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory for a authentication bypass finding found ...

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[Honeypot Alert] User Agent Field Arbitrary PHP Code Execution

While reviewing today's web honeypot logs, SpiderLabs Research identified two new attack variations.

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Announcing Release of OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set v2.2.3

The SpiderLabs Research Team is pleased to announce the ModSecurity OWASP Core Rule Set v2.2.3 ...

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[Honeypot Alert] phpAlbum PHP Code Execution Attacks

We have seen a number of scans probing for phpAlbum code execution vulns in our web honeypot logs:

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BayThreat Follow-up: More About Mobile Devices and Privacy

We just saw a recent post here on SpiderLabs Anterior about one of mostly used functionalities used ...

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Mobile Device Location Tracking, and Why It Matters

Throughout the past decade, there has been a substantial increase in mobile device usage. From ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Awstats Command Injection Scanning Detected

Issue Detected Our daily web honeypot analysis has detected an increase in scanning looking for ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2011

This Patch Tuesday, there are 3 new Critical and 10 new Important Bulletins. With this many ...

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[Honeypot Alert] WordPress/Joomla/Mambo SQL Injection Scanning Detected

Our web honeypot analysis today detected scanning looking for SQL Injection flaws in a number of ...

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[Honeypot Alert] WordPress/Joomla/Mambo SQL Injection Scanning Detected

Our web honeypot analysis today detected scanning looking for SQL Injection flaws in a number of ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Mass Joomla Component LFI Attacks Identified

Joomla Component LFI Vulnerabilities Joomla has hundreds of Controller components. Check out the ...

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Trustwave Protections Deployed: MS11-083

Last week, it was Microsoft's Patch Tuesday! For November, Microsoft released one "critical" ...

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Trustwave Protections Deployed: Duqu

Recent reports of the zero-day exploit found in the Win32k True Type Font Parsing engine and ...

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NickiSpy.C - Android Malware Analysis Demo

Recently I got the chance to dig into a nice little piece of Android spyware, commonly known as ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Commercial Rules Overview

As you may have heard, Trustwave recently announced the availability of commercial rules and ...

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Interesting Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities

Recently I've been writing a talk called "Authentication Bypass Zoo: Pwnage and Poetry 2" which ...

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