Reading between the lines: Harvesting Credit Cards from ISO8583-1987 Traffic

Having investigated cardholder data security breaches for a few years now, I have noticed changes ...

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iOS Application Security: Top 50 Free iPad Apps - The View From The Top Isn’t Much Better [Part 1 of 2]

Hello. I'm Tom Neaves. I recently joined SpiderLabs as a Senior Security Consultant based out of ...

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Connecting the Dots w/ PenTest Manager

We are evolving how the penetration testing industry reports vulnerabilities. Traditional PDF ...

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“Catch Me If You Can” Trojan Banker Zeus Strikes Again (Part 2 of 5)

This is the second blog in this series of blogs. The previous blog provided a general overview of ...

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HULK vs. THOR - Application DoS Smackdown

SpiderLabs Research Team Contributions from:

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[Honeypot Alert] Inside the Attacker's Toolbox: Botnet Web Attack Scripts

Have you ever wondered what script/code/tool was behind the automated web attacks that you see in ...

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About me, myself and BeEF

Hello followers of SpiderLabs Anterior.

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Too XXE For My Shirt

Until tonight, I'd never gotten a chance to try an xml external entity (XXE) attack. Earlier, I was ...

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“Catch Me If You Can” Trojan Banker Zeus Strikes Again (Part 4 of 5)

This is the fourth part in a series of blogs. The prior blogs describe the technical details of the ...

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“Catch Me If You Can” Trojan Banker Zeus Strikes Again (Part 1 of 5)

In the next series of blogs we will describe in detail an attack from one of the most sophisticated ...

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It Takes Two to Tango (myself, and your unprotected file share)

BananaStand learned from last time (to see last time, go here ). Systems were patched, ACL's were ...

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Bypass Vulnerabilities in Squid and McAfee Web Access Gateway

About two weeks ago, a Brazilian security researcher by the name of Gabriel Menezes Nunes released ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday: Help Is On The Way!

This may sound a bit odd but "nosteve" who usually gives his take on the patch Tuesday release is ...

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THOTCON 0x3 - Hacker Brew Contest

This year's instantiation of the THOTCON hacking conference issued a unique challenge:

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TWSL2012-004: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zen Cart

The SpiderLabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory yesterday, which details multiple ...

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PHP-CGI Exploitation by Example

Late last week, a vulnerability in PHP-CGI was disclosed, which allows all sorts of bad for folks ...

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[Honeypot Alert] (UPDATE) Active Exploit Attempts for PHP-CGI Vuln

UPDATE - we have received more exploit attempt details from web hosting provider DreamHost. Thanks ...

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A Wild Exploit Kit Appears... Meet RedKit

During our research we have recently encountered a new private exploit kit. The developers behind ...

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RedKit Payload - Binary Fun

Before I jump into this blog post, I'd like to point out some interesting developments with the ...

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Recent Mass SQL Injection Payload Analysis

There have been a number of mass SQL Injection campaigns targeting ASP/ASP.Net/MS-SQL sites over ...

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Update from Trustwave SpiderLabs EMEA, London

It was a hectic week in London. In case you hadn't heard its was InfoSec Europe week, but we were ...

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Brazilian Banking Malware: Pay Your Bill Slacker!

I recently got wind of an interesting little sample that I believe originated as part of a ...

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Winning! PenTest Manager pwns SC Europe Innovation Award

We Won! :-) Thanks to all the hard work of the Trustwave's Engineering teams, IT, SpiderLabs, and ...

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WordPress 3.3.2 Addresses Setup XSS Vulnerabilities

Back in January we released a security advisory for WordPress, which included four vulnerabilities ...

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Pwning a Spammer's Keylogger

Recently, while scrounging around our spam traps, I spotted this ordinary piece of malicious spam. ...

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Once Again Cutwail Spam Campaign Ends Up In Phoenix Exploit Kit

In the past few months, a certain cybercrime group operates a large stable malware infrastructure, ...

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Come and Join Us at InfoSecurity

This week we will be presenting and speaking at InfoSecurity, Europe's No.1 Information Security ...

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TWSL2012-012: Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Support Incident Tracker

Trustwave SpiderLabs has published a new advisory today for a reflective Cross-Site Scripting ...

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