eHarmony Password Dump Analysis

Unless you've been hauled up in a bunker, eating MREs and watching Doomsday Preppers marathons, ...

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I Forgot Your Password

I'm now going into my second year in application security, and as I learn more and more, my ...

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Security Capture the Flag Competitions

Many people look at capture the flag competitions with varying reactions. Some look at them as ways ...

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Five E-Commerce Security Myths (Part 2)

In part 1 of this series I gave an introduction into how most merchants accept payments and how ...

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Five E-Commerce Security Myths (Part 1)

Compromises of e-commerce websites are increasingly common. In our 2012 Global Security Report we ...

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CVSS for Penetration Test Results (Part I)

Trustwave has been adding support for the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) in PenTest ...

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Metasploit = tips, tricks, hashes and tokens

Metasploit is one of the many tools that can be used during a penetration test, and it actually ...

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Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities Gone Wild

It's a busy time for Internet Explorer: Patch Tuesday addressed quite a few issues in IE, and an ...

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[Honeypot Alert] PHP-CGI Vuln Targeted For Database Dumping

Thanks to my SpiderLabs Research colleague @claudijd for collaborating with this analysis.

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ModSecurity and OWASP CRS Updates Available

Security Fix Release: ModSecurity v2.6.6 The ModSecurity Development Team has released version ...

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Using Nmap to Screenshot Web Services

As part of Trustwave SpiderLabs network penetration testing team, I perform many internal ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday: RDP - Keep on Knockin' But You Can't Come In

Another month, another Patch Tuesday. This one has seven bulletins three of which are rated ...

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Introducing CryptOMG

CryptOMG is CTF-style testbed for exploiting various flaws in cryptographic implementations. ...

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MySQL/MariaDB: Trade You a Banana for Root Access?


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The Return of Zuc.A and and Ancient OSX Viruses?

A few weeks ago I caught a tweet from Chris Wysopal (@WeldPond) noticing how the new version of ...

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Zap(ped) into Foca(s)

An external penetration test isn't just about the network addresses to pwn, but sometimes about the ...

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Analyzing PDF Malware - Part 3A

When we last left our heroes…

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Discussions on Targeted Attacks

Even though targeted attacks performed by groups such as LulzSec and Anonymous has gotten less ...

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Dynamic DAST/WAF Integration: Realtime Virtual Patching

At the recent OWASP AppSecDC conference, I presented on this topic. I received a lot of feedback ...

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Rogue Certificates Set on Flame

It was only a matter of time before we felt Flame's aftershock. Yesterday morning it finally ...

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Dynamic DAST/WAF Integration: Realtime Virtual Patching

At the recent OWASP AppSecDC conference, I presented on this topic. I received a lot of feedback ...

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Now IronSpider - Go hard or Go home, I'm an Ironman!

Probably in the same period I started at Trustwave SpiderLabs I decided to start my training for an ...

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Defeating Flame String Obfuscation with IDAPython

Like many other security research firms, SpiderLabs Research has been actively investigating the ...

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iOS Application Security: Review of Top 50 Free iPad Apps [Part 2 of 2]

The View From The Top Isn't Much Better

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[Honeypot Alert] Inside the Attacker's Toolbox: Botnet Credit Card Validation Scripts

In our previous blog post "Inside the Attacker's Toolbox: Botnet Web Attack Scripts" we analyzed ...

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Oracle Databases, a Penetration Tester’s View of Unauthorized Access to Customer Records

When penetration-testing you get to see lots of seemingly unbelievable security failures, but ...

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Putting Out the Flame

There's a lot of buzz going around in the security field about a big piece of malware, code named ...

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Sakura Exploit Kit 1.1

Even though it's sometimes easy to forget that there are exploit kits other than BlackHole, other ...

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