Detecting Successful XSS Testing with JS Overrides

Do you know when an attacker or security researcher successfully finds a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2012 – Lions and Tigers and RCE, Oh My!

I feel some compassion for those system administrators alongthe East Coast of the US this week. Big ...

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CVE-2012-4969 and the Unnamed Admin Panel

While CVE-2012-4969 isn't new, we are still curious about the various ways this vulnerability can ...

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Microsoft Advanced Notification for November 2012 - RCE, Yikes!

Microsoft has released its advance notification for next weeks Patch Tuesday updates.

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CWE the Vote

It's a nice, sunny day in Cleveland, my friends. Tonight, after the votes are counted, including my ...

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Introducing Responder-1.0

Responder is a multi threaded tool that answers to IPv4 LLMNR (Link-local Multicast Name ...

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TWSL2012-016: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Bitweaver

The Trustwave SpiderLabs team has published a new advisory for multiple vulnerabilities in ...

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Worm Propagates Through Skype Messages

For the past week, we've received a lot of reports of a worm that propagates through Skype known as ...

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mDNS - Telling the world about you (and your device)

Luiz Eduardo ( @effffn) and Rodrigo Montoro ( @spookerlabs ) have presented "Mobile Snitch -Devices ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, October 2012 – Legend of Zelda Edition

Hope you enjoyed last months light patch Tuesday with only two bulletins as this month we are right ...

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Microsoft Advanced Notification for October 2012 – Lync, SQL, Headache

Microsoft has released its Advanced Notification for October 2012. After last months release of ...

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The Grey Line Between Feature and Vulnerability, iOS edition

I do a lot of Mobile Application Penetration testing for some of our largest clients. Mobile is the ...

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Trustwave Re-Certified as an Approved Scanning Vendor by PCI SSC

Each year Trustwave undergoes a rigorous testing process maintained by the PCI Security Standards ...

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James Bond's Dry Erase Marker: The Hotel PenTest Pen

You may have seen the talk and demonstration by Cody Brocious that allows him to open an Onity ...

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Announcing the availability of ModSecurity extension for Nginx

ModSecurity for Nginx ModSecurity for Nginx is a web server plug-in for the Nginx web server ...

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How Should WAFs Handle Authorized Vulnerability Scanning Traffic?

I have been asked this question more and more over the years as organizations are dealing with both ...

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Trustwave SpiderLabs in Africa

Africa. The land of origin; the original unknown.

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Update from Trustwave SpiderLabs EMEA

Europe, Middle East and Africa consists of around 120 countries depending on the definition of each ...

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Good things happen when Forensics and Malware Analysis work together.

The SpiderLabs Incident Response team worked a case earlier this year where previously unseen ...

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Smart Phone + Mail Server = Location Tracking

My last two posts have touched on the privacy perspective in relation tomobile applications. This ...

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Adding Anti-CSRF Support to Burp Suite Intruder

In the web application penetration testing industry, Burp Suite is considered a must-have tool – it ...

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Using Mobile Applications for attacking Web Applications

This simple blog post was motivated by my desire to look at some mobile applications that I happen ...

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FinSpy Mobile - Configuration and Insight

A couple of weeks ago, Citizen Lab announced the discovery of the mobile component to the ...

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Getting in with the Proxmark 3 and ProxBrute

As a member of the Physical Security team here at SpiderLabs, some of my job responsibilities ...

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Oops, I pwned your router - Part Two

In the last blog post, "Opps I pwned your router Part One", I talked about some of poor security ...

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Guidance for firms using the NetAccess N-1000

SpiderLabs' Incident Response team has recently seen credit card fraud involving the suspected ...

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Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my hashes, so hack me maybe?

Those familiar with password cracking know that KoreLogic's rule set for John the Ripper has become ...

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Did I do that? (PenTest Faux Pas)

Many times, in the course of explaining what I do to others that are unfamiliar with information ...

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