SpiderLabs Radio December 28, 2012 w/ Space Rogue

We are back with another episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue. This weeks news covers ...

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SpiderLabs Radio December 21, 2012 w/ Space Rogue

We are back with another episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue. This weeks news covers ...

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Simple Ciphers, and a little SpiderLabs Crypto Contest

Millions have died and millions have been saved because of cryptography. There is no telling what ...

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Fraud, Passwords, and Pwnage on the Interwebz

This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend Microsoft's BlueHat Conference in Redmond WA and ...

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Setting HoneyTraps with ModSecurity: Project Honeypot Integration

Following up my previous blog post which outlined how to activate additional HTTP ports to catch ...

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Finding Zero Days Reading Your Mind in the Year 2052

A number of months ago, I was approach by the organizers of TEDxNaperville to speak at their next ...

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Setting HoneyTraps with ModSecurity: Unused Web Ports

This blog post will show an easy configuration update that you can make to your web servers running ...

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You down with LNK?

Oftentimes on an Internal pen test, I find myself with a limited-privilege domain user account. On ...

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PCAP Files Are Great Arn't They??

One of the most important skills in anyone's armory responsible for looking after the security of a ...

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SpiderLabs Radio December 14, 2012 w/ Space Rogue

We are back with another episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue. This week's news covers ...

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Abusing the Android Debug Bridge

The android debug bridge (or ADB for short) is a valuable tool, it is what allows smart phone ...

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My 5 Top Ways to Escalate Privileges

During a penetration test, rarely will the tester get access to a system with the administrator ...

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The Dexter Malware: Getting Your Hands Dirty

A very interesting piece of malware that targets Point of Sale systems has recently surfaced in the ...

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Abusing SAP Servers

During some recent penetration tests I have noticed that large companies have many similarities in ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Turning Local File Inclusion into Reflected Code Execution

Which web application attack type is more severe: Local File Inclusion (LFI) or Code Execution? ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2012 – 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

The head of Trustwave SpiderLabs Nicholas Percoco has had an unusual goal this year of drinking a ...

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How to Hack and Not Get Caught

The following thoughts on internal network penetration strategies are drawn from "OPFOR4Ever," ...

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Class 101 - Automating the process of fingerprinting Web Applications and Identifying Vulnerabilities.

First of all, this blog post is not for Web Application experts, instead I will cover some basic ...

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SpiderLabs Radio December 7, 2012 w/ Space Rogue

We are back with a third (new) episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue. This weeks news ...

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[Honeypot Alert] SQL Injection Scanning Detected in WordPress Error Logs

Normally for these Web Honeypot alert blog posts, I show snippets of the Apache access_log file ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for December 2012

Next week is Patch Tuesday, so this week we get the advance notification for the last updates ...

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Blackberry OS 10 BlackLists Batman and PoohBear

A Blackberry oriented website in the UK was the first to notice an interesting new feature in the ...

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CCCDC Blue Teams vs Corporate Blue Team Comparision

This weekend was the Community College Cyber Defense competition at Iowa State University. I had ...

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Proxmark 3, now with more Android

It's no secret; I'm a fan of the Proxmark 3 RFID testing board. It's a device straight out of the ...

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[Honeypot Alert] SQL Injection Scanning Targeting Joomla Plugins

The following SQL Injection attack payloads targeting Joomla components were identified in our web ...

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The Return of SpiderLabs Radio: Now with Space Rogue

The SpiderLabs podcast known as SpiderLabs Radio has gone through many different formats over the ...

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An Analysis of a Fake Vodafone Bill PDF File

We haven't come across many malicious PDF files recently in our spam traps, so when we found this ...

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[Honeypot Alert] User-Agent Field XSS Attacks

Our web honeypots picked up some more XSS attacks today:

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