SpiderLabs Radio February 1, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers The New York Times, Anonymous ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Active Probes for Ruby on Rails XML Vulns

In a previous blog post, I outlined some ModSecurity defenses to help protect Ruby on Rails users ...

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SpiderLabs Radio January 25, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers the redirect of MIT.edu, Quebec ...

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Owning Windows Networks with Responder 1.7

A lot has been happening with Responder lately!

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SpiderLabs Crypto Contest - Winner!

We have a winner! @TimoHirvonen

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SpiderLabs Radio January 18, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers Aaron Swartz and a movement to ...

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Defeating AES without a PhD

"Cryptography is typically bypassed, not penetrated." – Adi Shamir FAITH IN THE ARCANE When I tell ...

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QA w/ SpiderLabs Research: Java 0day CVE-2013-0422

Q: What's going on? People are talking about some Java 0daywhich threatens the whole world… Bring ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, January 2013 - Part II

It's now official, there is another bulletin (MS13-008) release for the month of January and ...

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SpiderLabs Radio January 11, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

We are back with another episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue. This week's news covers ...

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ModSecurity Mitigations for Ruby on Rails XML Exploits

There is big trouble in Ruby on Rails (RoR) land... The issue is related to XML parsing of YAML ...

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First Java 0day For The Year 2013

Today @Kafeine was the first to announce the new Java 0day. This 0day allows an attacker to execute ...

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SpiderLabs Crypto Contest - Hints

This is a post for those attempting to solve the Crypto contest I introduced a couple weeks ago. ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, January 2013 – Hot Sauce

I had lunch today at a great little Cajun restaurant in Chicago called Heaven on Seven, so named ...

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Goodies released with Trustwave SWG Security Update 141

As cliché as it may sound, security is done in layers and so, using our generic rules, we were able ...

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SpiderLabs Radio January 04, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

We are back with another episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue. This weeks news covers ...

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Dissecting a CVE-2012-4792 Payload

A little while ago I was fortunate enough to get ahold of a sample that was dropped on a system ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for January 2013

If you were hoping for a nice relaxing Patch Tuesday after the holidays, well, sorry to disappoint ...

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Hacking with Drain Cleaner – Yet Another BitLocker Bypass Technique

As hard-wired as any Application Specific Integrated Circuit it seems the Infosec community can't ...

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Choppy Regulatory Waters ahead for EU SMEs?

There's been a reasonable amount of coverage of the (proposed) data protection legal framework ...

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Photobucket: An Identity Thief's Playground

Photobucket is a popular social media site that acts as gallery and cloud storage for user photos. ...

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Internet Explorer - 2012 Last Minute 0-Day

Using Zero Days attacks at end of the year are not the most considerate thing to do for the ...

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Wardrive, Raspberry Pi Style!

I purchased a Raspberry Pi a few weeks back. I found that I could power it, with a WiFi card and a ...

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Getting Terminal Access to a Cisco Linksys E-1000

Over the past couple weeks, I've been spending a lot of time hacking on various embedded devices to ...

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Assessing iOS Applications – setting up a test environment and grabbing low hanging fruit

This guide should serve as an introduction for those wishing to get into iOS application security ...

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Teaching Security Self-Defense

My background in IT comes mostly from a nomadic perspective. In my years of IT and InfoSec, I've ...

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Smuggler - An interactive 802.11 wireless shell without the need for authentication or association

I've always been fascinated by wireless communications. The ability to launch seemingly invisible ...

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Be Off the Beaten XPath, Go Blind

XPath (XML Path Language) is a language used to query XML documents in order to extract data. XML ...

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