XML External Entity (XXE) Execution Disabled in ModSecurity v2.7.3

On February 27, 2013, the ModSecurity project team was notified by security researchers from ...

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SpiderLabs Radio April 26, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers HostGator, Twitter, SPAMHaus, ...

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Basic Packers: Easy As Pie

Throughout Trustwave SpiderLabs' many forensicinvestigations, we often stumble upon malicious ...

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Accidental Stored XSS Flaw in Zemanta 'Related Posts' Plugin for TypePad

Note that the vulnerability described here was fixed by Zemanta.

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SpiderLabs Radio April 19, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers Schnucks, Linode, Pirate Bay, ...

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Cracking IKE Mission:Improbable (Part 2)

A couple of weeks ago I posted Part 1 of Cracking IKE, detailing some useful techniques when ...

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Java is So Confusing...

It's been a short while, but we find ourselves again with a Java vulnerability in our hands, this ...

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Large scale malicious spam campaign exploiting Boston bombing

In our latest Global Security Report, we noted malicious spam campaigns were on the increase, and ...

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Me Myself and I, Robot

Growing up I read every book my library had to offer by Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov. These and ...

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Defending WordPress Logins from Brute Force Attacks

As has been reported by many news outlets , WordPress login pages have been under a heavy brute ...

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SpiderLabs Radio April 12, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers OpIsreal, Anon AUS, LulzSec, 6 ...

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Microsoft Recalls Update

Microsoft has recalled part of an update that was release earlier this week as part of April's ...

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Restricting Adobe CQ Admin Logins with Trustwave WAFs

One of the many useful features of a web application firewall (WAF) is its ability to add on ...

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Ransomware Author 3's Farm Animals

As security researchers, our virtual journey in revealing new threats on the web is never-ending. ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, April 2013

This month we have nine bulletins, two critical covering just fourteen CVEs. The critical bulletins ...

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SpiderLabs Radio April 5, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers Carberp, WarZ, Japan, Exp0sed ...

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ModSecurity User Survey 2013

The ModSecurity web application firewall project has grown a lot in the past year including, ...

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Web Application Defender's Cookbook: CCDC Blue Team Cheatsheet

Trustwave is a corporate sponsor of the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) where ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for April 2013

Ah, April, for most of us the weather is turning warm, birds return to their trees, flowers start ...

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Jamming With WordPress Sessions

Let's talk about some targeted attacks where session management can be targeted to side step multi ...

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Breaking the Authentication Chain

This little post is going to talk about how authentication goes beyond just usernames and passwords.

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SpiderLabs Radio March 29, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers OMG DDoS Nukes Take out Net!, ...

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Cracking IKE Mission:Improbable (Part 1)

All too often during pen tests I still find VPN endpoints configured to allow insecure Aggressive ...

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Hooked on Packets: Reading PCAPs for D Students - Preview

SOURCE Boston is coming up in April, and Mike Ryan and I are giving a presentation about making ...

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Did Grum Really Get Killed?

For several years before July 2012 takedown, Grum was one of the notorious spam botnets and at one ...

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SpiderLabs Radio March 22, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue covers Korea, teamSpy, Scan all the ...

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Baiting Attack Exercise – The Old School Way Still Works

In the past few months, we have had quite a few social engineering and client-side penetration ...

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Mongodb - Security Weaknesses in a typical NoSQL database

Over the last year or so, I've noticed 2 ports appearing more frequently during internal ...

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