Top Ten Survival Tips for the Dehydrated N00b Zombie Apocalypse at Security Week 2013

Just look at the face: it's vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who's lost a bet. —Dianne ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Mitigating XSS Vulnerabilities Using Targeted CSP Enforcement

Content Security Policy (CSP) Implementation Challenges CSP is an extremely powerful tool for ...

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SpiderLabs Radio July 12, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Spiders Are Fun!, DEF CON's 21, Come Chat at Black Hat

Security week in Las Vegas will be here before we know it. The SpiderLabs team will be busy: talks ...

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XSS, SQLi in OpenEMR 4.1.1

A few tests ago, I came across an OpenEMR install with a weak password for a 'Guest' level account. ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, July 2013 - CRITICAL

This is probably one of the most important Patch Tuesday's we have seen in quite some time. While ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Detecting Banking Trojan Page Modifications

The following blog post is taken from Recipe 10-5: Detecting Banking Trojan (Man-in-the-Browser) ...

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SpiderLabs Radio July 5, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Custom Native Library Loader for Android

If you read my co-worker Neal Hindocha's recent post "Debugging Android Libraries using IDA" you ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for July 2013 – BOOM!

While you were stuffing your face with hotdogs and potato salad and then watching fireworks go ...

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Look What I Found: It's a Pony!

Every once in a while we get to peek into the lion's den, this time we'll be checking out a fairly ...

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Corporate Passwords Part 1

With the vast amount of research and content that was done by SpiderLabs for the Global Security ...

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SpiderLabs Radio June 28, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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A Friday Afternoon Troubleshooting Ruby OpenSSL... it's a trap!

Last Friday I was trying out some new code that one of my colleagues wrote to help automate some of ...

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Exploiting Serialized XSS in Joomla! (return of the undead CVE)

While reviewing Joomla! Vulnerabilities I felt a glitch in the matrix. Deja vu had set in and I was ...

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Fake Qantas Spam Campaign Leads to Andromeda Bot Infection

If you have booked a flight from Qantas recently, you might be expecting a booking confirmation in ...

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Digging Into the New Apache Injection Module

I recently got a chance to dig into a couple variants of the new Apache injection module that ...

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Welcome to the Spider’s Lair

"Will you step into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly; "'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ...

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Old Exploits Still Do the Trick

We are all aware that patching is very important. Many websites, however, take the risk of not ...

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Debugging Android Libraries using IDA

During a recent test, I encountered a native JNI library used by an Android application. I needed ...

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SpiderLabs Radio June 21, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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The Problem With Networks .....

Where do I start with this open-ended statement? I guess from a pen testing perspective, quite a ...

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CBC-R: It's not just for padding oracles!

This is the short, technical version of a technique that I'll be writing more about in a few days. ...

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Wendel's Small Hacking Tricks - Microsoft SQL Server Edition

Since 2003 a large part of my workday has been devoted solely to hacking systems. Over this time ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Inside the Attacker's Toolbox: Webshell Usage Logging

In a previous blog post, we discussed the common lifecycle of web server botnet recruitment. While ...

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Discovering BMW Car Systems: Getting Started

Since I love both (in)security and cars, it is not uncommon for me to mix those things on a regular ...

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SpiderLabs Radio June 14, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave's ...

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Sometimes, The PenTest Gods Shine On You

Settling down for a hacking session usually means lots of hard work and a long grind towards target ...

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