Is Oracle Application Server End-of-Life?

I was asked recently to review a web server running Oracle Application Server. The scope was quite ...

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ModSecurity XSS Evasion Challenge Results

On July 30th, we announced our public ModSecurity XSS Evasion Challenge. This blog post will ...

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Top Five Ways SpiderLabs Got Domain Admin on Your Internal Network

It's always surprising how insecure some internal networks turn out to be. Less surprising is a ...

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Hey, can I use your server for spamming?

Over the last few months I have encountered two separate cases of our customers being impacted by ...

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Trust for Sale

Let's, for a moment, get into the mind of a cyber criminal:

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Vino VNC Server Remote Persistent DoS Vulnerability

Last week, I was making some performance enhancements to theVNC protocol implementations in the ...

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SpiderLabs Radio September 13, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, September 2013

In Chicago, it's been a roller coaster of a summer with cold weather to now steaming hot. ...

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SpiderLabs Radio September 6, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

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Microsoft Advance Notification for September 2013

This month Microsoft continues the recent tradition of large Patch Tuesday with fourteen Bulletins ...

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SpiderLabs Radio August 30, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Setting HoneyTraps with ModSecurity: Adding Fake robots.txt Disallow Entries

The following blog post is taken from Recipe 3-2: Adding Fake robots.txt Disallow Entries in my new ...

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SpiderLabs Radio August 23, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Multiple Web Application Vulnerabilities in RockMongo

During a recent code review for a client, I also took a brief look at a tool they were using to ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Probes for Apache Struts 2.X OGNL Vulnerability

Today our web honeypot sensors picked up probes for the recent Apache Struts 2.X OGNL vulnerability ...

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SpiderLabs Radio August 16, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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The Web IS Vulnerable: XSS on the Battlefront (Part 1)

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Microsoft Pulls MS13-061 Update for Exchange

Microsoft has pulled one of the three critical patches from yesterdays Patch Tuesday, MS13-061, ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, August 2013

The big news this month in Microsoft's Active Protections Program, other than the eight new ...

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The Way of the Cryptologist

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SpiderLabs Radio August 9, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Fun with 'Active Defense'

Active Defense is steadily becoming a popular trend in the security field, both in a theoretical ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for Patch Tuesday – August 2013

No rest for the weary. Microsoft has announced that there will be eight bulletins this month, which ...

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Introducing RDI – Reflected DOM Injection

The other day at DEFCON 21 we (Daniel Chechik and Anat Davidi) gave a talk introducing a new ...

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SpiderLabs Radio August 2, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Announcing the ModSecurity XSS Evasion Challenge

The SpiderLabs Research Team is pleased to announce the release of the ModSecurity XSS Evasion ...

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SpiderLabs Radio July 26, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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SpiderLabs Radio July 19, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This weeks episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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