SpiderLabs Radio November 15, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Trustwave SpiderLabs at OWASP’s AppSec USA 2013

Will you be at the OWASP Foundation's AppSec USA event next week in New York City? If so, be sure ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2013

Most of us thought this would be an easymonth with only eight bulletins to deal with and only three ...

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SpiderLabs Radio November 8, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Hacking a Reporter: Writing Malware For Fun and Profit (Part 2 of 3)

Matthew Jakubowski (@jaku) contributed to the writing of this blog post.

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Microsoft Advance Notification for November 2013

Microsoft will release eight bulletins for Patch Tuesday inNovember. Four of them will result in ...

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SpiderLabs Radio November 1, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Hacking a Reporter: Writing Malware For Fun and Profit (Part 1 of 3)

Matthew Jakubowski (@jaku) contributed to the writing of this blog post.

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SpiderLabs Radio October 25, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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PHP.Net Site Infected with Malware

Earlier today, users attempting to access the www.php.net site were met with malware warnings from ...

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Card Data Siphon with Google Analytics

The introduction of EMV (Chip &Pin) payment devices in 2003 resulted in a rapid decline in ...

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SpiderLabs Radio October 18, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Fingerprinting Ubuntu OS Versions using OpenSSH

Over the past couples weeks, I've been working on enhancingthe operating system detection logic in ...

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SpiderLabs Radio October 11, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Hiding Webshell Backdoor Code in Image Files

Looks Can Be Deceiving Do any of these pictures look suspicious?

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The Technical Aspects of Exploiting IE Zero-Day CVE-2013-3897

Just two days ago we announced thediscovery of in-the-wild attacks that used the zero-day which is ...

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Having a Fiesta With Ploutus

A short while ago, SafenSoft reported a new family ofmalware, named 'Ploutus', that targeted a ...

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Another Day, SpiderLabs Discovers Another IE Zero-Day

We at SpiderLabs investigate many suspicious webpages on adaily basis. Occasionally we run ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, October 2013

Here in Philadelphia this month the localweather people are calling it "Aug-tober" due to the ...

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AV Vendors Targeted in Defacement Campaign

Attacked Sites The KDMS hacking team recently defaced several popular websites include Whatsapp.com ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for October 2013

It is on a monthly schedule but for some reason Microsoft's Patch Tuesday sneaks up on me every ...

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SpiderLabs Radio October 4, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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Installing VMware Tools on Kali Linux and Some Debugging Basics

I have been using Backtrack for a while now and decided to switch to Kali Linux, a new open source ...

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TWSL2013-029: Information Disclosure Vulnerability in QNAP Photo Station

Photo Station, a web application, allows users to upload and share photos over the Internet using a ...

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SpiderLabs Radio September 27, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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ModSecurity for Java - BETA Testers Needed

Over the course of the summer of 2013, the ModSecurity team participated in Google's Summer of Code ...

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Wendel's Small Hacking Tricks - Killing Processes from the Microsoft Windows Command Line interface.

Since 2003 a large part of my workday has been devoted solely to hacking systems. Over this time ...

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SpiderLabs Radio September 20, 2013 w/ Space Rogue

This week's episode of SpiderLabs Radio hosted by Space Rogue is brought to you by Trustwave ...

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