Trustwave Analysis of the January 2014 Oracle CPU

It's the second Tuesday in January, so it is Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU) time. The January ...

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Setting HoneyTraps with ModSecurity: Adding Fake HTML Comments

This blog post continues with the topic of setting "HoneyTraps" within your web applications to ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, January 2014

Hopefully January's Patch Tuesday is a sign of things to come for 2014. With only four bulletins, ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: January 10, 2014

In this week's podcast we talk about malware offered up in onlines ads, the return of email hacker ...

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SAP Sybase ASE 15.7 security updates

SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise is a relational database management product used to store ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for January 2014

Microsoft is scheduled to release the next security update for consumers on January 14th with ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: January 3, 2014

Welcome to the SpiderLabs Radio Reboot! As we bid our old host, Space Rogue, a fond farewell, we ...

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DaumGame ActiveX 0day

One might think that vulnerabilities in ActiveX controls are a thing of the past, but we continue ...

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The Case of an Obscure Injection

During a recent application penetration test, I came across what proved to be an interesting SQL ...

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Wendel's Small Hacking Tricks - A not so common and neat Oracle [for Windows] hack.

Since 2003 a large part of my workday has been devoted solely to hacking systems. Over this time ...

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How Snotnose the Elf was Able to Compromise The North Pole Domain and Retrieve the Nice and Naughty Lists

Last Winter, Snotnose won the North vs South Pole CTF contest, and Santa awarded him the ultimate ...

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Exploiting Password Recovery Functionalities

Password recovery functionalities can result in vulnerabilities in the same application they are ...

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Quick Joomla Refresher

I haven't come into contact with Joomla for a while, but I had the opportunity recently in a ...

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Announcing ModSecurity v2.7.6 Release (CI Platform Usage)

The ModSecurity Project team is pleased to announce public release version 2.7.6. Full Release ...

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The Curious Case of the Malicious IIS Module: Prologue (Method of Entry Analysis)

Earlier this week, SpiderLabs Research team released a blog post outlining analysis of a malicious ...

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The Kernel is calling a zero(day) pointer – CVE-2013-5065 – Ring Ring

SpiderLabs investigates a number of suspicious binary files on a daily basis. A week ago we came ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2013

'Tis the season for an increase in cyber-criminal activities. In the past couple months, ...

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The Curious Case of the Malicious IIS Module

Recently, we've seen a few instances of a malicious DLL that is installed as an IIS module making ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for December 2013

On December 10th, Microsoft will begin deploying their security updates to consumers with affected ...

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Physical Address Strangeness in Spam

Ten years ago, Congress passed the "CAN-SPAM Act" (also known as theYou-CAN-SPAM Act, since it ...

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Hacking a Reporter: Sleepless Nights Outside a Brooklyn Brownstone (Part 3 of 3)

This post is the conclusion of a three-part series (read the first here and the second here) that ...

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Look What I Found: Moar Pony!

In our last episode of "Look What I Found" we talked about a fairly large instance of the Pony ...

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[Honeypot Alert] More PHP-CGI Scanning (apache-magika.c)

In the past 24 hours, one of the WASC Distributed Web Honeypot participant's sensors picked up ...

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SpiderLabs Responder Updates

Responder is a penetration-testing tool in active development. To continue making it the best tool ...

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Spam Triple Threat: Voice Message, Important System Update, and DHL Delivery spam campaign.

This week we discovered a large malware spam campaign that used the Zbot Trojan executable. It ...

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Vulnerability in RiskNet Acquirer (TWSL2013-031)

Last week we released an advisory for a vulnerability discovered in the RiskNet Acquirer ...

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Malicious shells; Established != Active

During a recent investigation, SpiderLabs was presented with evidence that appeared to be ...

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Tutorial for NTDS goodness (VSSADMIN, WMIS, NTDS.dit, SYSTEM)

I recently performed an internal penetration test where the NTDS.dit file got me thousands of ...

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