Bloodletting the Arms Race: Using Attacker's Techniques for Defense

Submitted by Ziv Mador and Ryan Barnett

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Gamut Spambot Analysis

In this blog post, we'll be describing the functionality of a spamming botnet which appears to have ...

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Touchlogging Part 1 - iOS

Although there have been numerous articles posted, I thought I would write about my recent ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: February 27, 2014

In this episode we talk about the Apple "gotofail" SSL vulnerability, SEA is still around and ...

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Look What I Found: Pony is After Your Coins!

In our previous episode of "Look What I Found" we detailed our discovery of a humongous instance of ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: February 20, 2014

In this episode we look at the new Linksys worm dubbed TheMoon, two new exploits target a 0 day ...

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Internet Explorer Zero Day: CVE-2014-0322

Recently, several security vendors reported about a new IE 0day which affects version 9 and 10. The ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Detecting Browser Fingerprint Changes During Sessions

This blog post will discuss a section from Recipe 8-5: Detecting Browser Fingerprint Changes During ...

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FAQ: Pony Malware Payload Discovery

Our team's discovery of the spoils of yet another instance of Pony 1.9 has kept us busy the past ...

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Responder 2.0 - Owning Windows Networks part 3

The power and flexibility of Responder has grown significantly over the past year. Responder is a ...

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Wait a minute... that’s not a real JPG!

When attackers compromise a website and want to harvest credit cards, they need to either find ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: February 13, 2014

In this episode we look at Facebook's open-sourcing of the Android crypto API "Conceal", more POS ...

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“Reversing” Non-Proxy Aware HTTPS Thick Clients w/ Burp

A little over a month ago, I published a Metasploit auxiliary module for brute-forcing Cisco ASDM ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, February 2014

February's Patch Tuesday is back to business as usual after the light January release. This month's ...

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JackPOS – The House Always Wins

A new point of sale (POS) malware family could be a jackpot for credit card thieves. I recently ...

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The Keystone Rocks - Foundation Chips of Pentesting Tips Part 1

The knowledgebase of a penetration tester can be broadly split into two categories: Relevant ...

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CVE-2014-0050: Exploit with Boundaries, Loops without Boundaries

In this article I will discuss CVE-2014-0050: Apache Commons FileUpload and Apache Tomcat ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: February 7, 2014

In this episode I talk about a new Adobe zero day in Flash Player, the Chewbacca POS malware, a new ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for February 2014

***Update as of Monday, February 10, 2014***

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Spammers Are Taking Advantage of Your Whitelists by Spoofing Legitimate Brands

***EDITOR'S NOTE: The content of this article does not make or imply any claims regarding the ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: January 30, 2014

In this episode we look at a rash of gas pump credit card skimmers, the Syrian Electronic Army ...

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Introducing ModSecurity Status Reporting

The Trustwave SpiderLabs Research team is committed to making ModSecurity the best open source WAF ...

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ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: HMAC Token Protection

This blog post presents a powerful feature of ModSecurity v2.7 that has been highly under-utilized ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: January 23, 2014

In this episode I sit down with Grayson Lenik, a forensic expert for Trustwave SpiderLabs. We talk ...

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10,000 Litecoins Worth $230,000 USD Were Stolen!

Newspapers, commentators and bloggers have lately been asking whether digital currencies, such as ...

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Beware! Bats hide in your jQuery!

Injection of malicious code into JavaScript files is not new; however, we recently observed a steep ...

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What Dirty Little Secrets You Find on eBay

So I do networking (computers and wifi things) at a number of security conferences (Thotcon & ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: January 16, 2014

In this episode:

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