Trustwave Analysis of the April 2014 Oracle CPU for Databases

The 17th of April fell this week, which means it is Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU) time. The ...

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Announcing ModSecurity v2.8.0

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SpiderLabs Radio: April 10, 2014

In this episode I bid a fond farewell to Windows XP; Microsoft patches that RTF 0-day ...

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Farewell to XP

As Karl noted in his Patch Tuesday post, yesterday was the last day of support for Windows XP.

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Detecting A Surveillance State - Part 3 Infected Firmware

In this third installment of Detecting A Surveillance State blog series I will move away from ...

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Capturing Ghosts: Using inotify to defeat an Android DRM system

Apart from our typical application penetration testing engagements, clients sometimes come to us ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, April 2014

April's Microsoft Patch Tuesday is on par with the prior releases this year. There are only four ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: April 3, 2014

In this episode I talk about GMail making HTTPS mandatory, a move some people don't like; Microsoft ...

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Microsoft Word RTF 0-Day (CVE-2014-1761)

A zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Word involving the handling of the RTF file format was ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for April 2014

The Microsoft April security release is almost upon us with security updates scheduled to deploy on ...

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Old School Code Injection in an ATM .dll

During our last ATM review engagement, we found some interesting executable files that were run by ...

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An Intro to NetSupport Manager Scripts

On a recent gig I was hit with hundreds of hosts running a service on port TCP 5405, the NetSupport ...

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Stupid Spammer Tricks – Multi-Character Set Text

Looking to refinance your house? Install solar panels? Hey, this email about refinancing (or solar ...

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Wendel's Small Hacking Tricks - The Annoying NT_STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION.

Since 2003 a large part of my workday has been devoted solely to hacking systems. Over this time ...

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[Honeypot Alert] JCE Joomla Extension Attacks

Our web honeypots picked up some increased exploit attempts for an old Joomla Content Editor (JCE) ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: March 20, 2014

In this episode we talk about the Windigo malware campaign, how a well-intentioned hacker brought ...

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Google Summer of Code (GSoC) + OWASP + ModSecurity = Awesome

OWASP is again participating in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Program for 2014 by acting as a ...

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ColdFusion Admin Compromise Analysis (CVE-2010-2861)

In a previous blog post, I provided "Method of Entry" analysis for a ColdFusion compromise baed on ...

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Detecting A Surveillance State - Part 2 Radio Frequency Exfiltration

In the last post we reviewed a few hardware implants that may have been used by surveillance states ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: March 13, 2014

In this episode we talk about Microsoft Patch Tuesday providing patches for an Internet Explorer ...

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Deep Analysis of CVE-2014-0502 – A Double Free Story

A lot has already been said about CVE-2014-0502, the Adobe Flash Player zero-day that was part of a ...

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WordPress XML-RPC PingBack Vulnerability Analysis

There were news stories this week outlining how attackers are abusing the XML-PRC "pingback" ...

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Detecting A Surveillance State - Part 1 Hardware Implants

This is the first in a series of four blog posts that will cover defenses and detection methods for ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, March 2014

March's Patch Tuesday includes five bulletins, two rated "Critical" and three rated "Important". ...

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Touchlogging Part 3 - Final Thoughts

This is the third and final part on the subject of Touchlogging. I do recommend reading part one ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: March 7, 2014

In this episode we talk about a new Russian rootkit called Uroburos, another bitcoin exchange ...

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Touchlogging Part 2 - Android

This is part two in my Touchlogging series, you can find part one here.

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Microsoft Advance Notification for March 2014

The Microsoft Security release for March will include patches for Windows, Internet Explorer and ...

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