Bitcoin Transaction Malleability Theory in Practice – Blackhat USA 2014

***UPDATE: 10/17/2014

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SpiderLabs Radio: August 21, 2014

In this episode:

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Monkey Patching the Matrix

For those of you not familiar with monkey patching, it's a mechanism to "extend or modify the ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: August 14, 2014

In this episode:

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, August 2014

August's Microsoft Patch Tuesday is upon us and Microsoft is issuing nine security bulletins, two ...

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Magnitude Exploit Kit Backend Infrastructure Insight - Part I

In our recently released Trustwave Global Security Report Online and previous Magnitude blog post, ...

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It’s ALIVE: Trustwave Global Security Report Online Now Available

This morning we unveiled our reinvented Trustwave Global Security Report. It's a living report, ...

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A Peek Into the Lion's Den – The Magnitude [aka PopAds] Exploit Kit

Recently we managed to get an unusual peek into the content that is used on the servers of the ...

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Blackhat Arsenal 2014: Live ModSecurity Demonstrations

If you are heading out to Blackhat USA 2014 in Las Vegas this week, please stop by the Arsenal ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: July 31, 2014

Hello loyal listeners. I just wanted to let you know that this is not the podcast you were looking ...

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Backoff - Technical Analysis

As discussed in the an advisory published by US-CERT, Trustwave SpiderLabs has discovered a ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Wordpress XML-RPC Brute Force Scanning

There are news reports of new Wordpress XML-PRC brute force attacks being seen in the wild. The ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: July 17, 2014

In this episode:

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About Two Recently Patched IBM DB2 LUW Vulnerabilities

IBM recently released patches for three security vulnerabilities affecting various versions of DB2 ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: July 10, 2014

In this episode:

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, July 2014

July's Microsoft Patch Tuesday is a light release with two "Critical" bulletins, three "Important" ...

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Microsoft Advance Notification for July 2014

Microsoft will publish their next security patch release on Tuesday, July 8. This seems to be a ...

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8 Common Pitfalls of Heartbleed Identification and Remediation (CVE-2014-0160)

Unfortunately, one of the biggest vulnerabilities disclosed this year, Heartbleed, has been ...

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Analysis of a New Banking Trojan Spammed by Cutwail

The Cutwail spambot has a long history of sending spam with attached malicious files such as Zbot, ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: June 26, 2014

In this episode:

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Weak passwords? Better call The Doctor.

Every network presents its own unique opportunity for a penetration tester. Often, hidden among the ...

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NAC doesn’t like your penetration testing device? IPv6 to the rescue!

Sometimes when I conduct a network penetration test it's just too easy to get to the "crown ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: June 19, 2014

In this episode:

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SpiderLabs Radio: June 12, 2014

In this episode:

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Setting HoneyTraps with ModSecurity: Adding Fake Hidden Form Fields

This blog post continues with the topic of setting "HoneyTraps" within your web applications to ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, June 2014

June's Microsoft Patch Tuesday contains seven bulletins, including two rated "Critical" and five ...

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From a Username to Full Account Takeover

In the past year there have been many major data breach incidents in which usernames, email ...

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SpiderLabs Radio: June 5, 2014

In this episode I talk about some odd ransom ware targeting Apple iDevices and I go over the ...

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