Changes in Oracle Database 12c password hashes

Oracle has made improvements to user password hashes within Oracle Database 12c. By using a ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of May 25, 2015

In this week's episode:

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Adventures in Social Engineering: The Evil Reference

I recently completed a social engineering gig targeting four bank locations. After a phone call and ...

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Malicious Macros Evades Detection by Using Unusual File Format

A couple of months ago we observed an influx of XML spam attachments that were actually Office ...

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[Honeypot Alert] Fritz!Box – Remote Command Execution Exploit Attempt

Our web honeypots picked up some exploit attempts for a remote command execution vulnerability in ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of May 11, 2015

In this week's episode:

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, May 2015

May's Patch Tuesday is upon us and with it comes three Critical and eleven Important rated ...

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AppDetectivePRO and DbProtect Knowledgebase Update 4.49

This month's update for our AppDetectivePRO and DbProtect Knowledgebase is now available.

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of May 4, 2015

SpiderLabs Radio will be on hiatus this week so our host can catch up on the entire Star Wars ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of April 27, 2015

In this week`s episode:

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Bedep trojan malware spread by the Angler exploit kit gets political

We recently observed what seems to be a group of cybercriminals helping spread pro-Russia messaging ...

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SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Vulnerabilities discussed @RSAC

Last week I gave a talk at RSA USA 2015 on SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise security, specifically on ...

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Open Challenge: Ruby YAML.load(YOUR_STRING_HERE) == RCE?

For some, the challenge may already be quite clear by the title of this post, but I'm going to add ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of April 20, 2015

In this week's episode it's all things RSA Conference. I'll be discussing two talks put on by ...

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CVE-2014-6284 - 'Probe' login access vulnerability in SAP ASE

The SpiderLabs team at Trustwave published a new advisory today which details issues discovered in ...

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Cryptowall and phishing delivered through JavaScript Attachments

While most emails with malicious attachments seem to be zipped Windows executables or exploited ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of April 13, 2015

In this week's episode:

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New POS Malware Emerges - Punkey

During a recent United States Secret Service investigation, Trustwave encountered a new family of ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, April 2015

April's Microsoft Patch Tuesday has arrived with 11 bulletins including four rated Critical and ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of February 2, 2015

In this week's episode:

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of March 30, 2015

In this week's episode:

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Bring Out Your Dead: An Update on the PCI relevance of SSLv3

In October, a tidal wave of discussion surrounding SSLv3 hit the information security community ...

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OWASP/WASC Distributed Web Honeypots Project Re-Launch - Seeking Participants

The SpiderLabs Research Team is proud to announce that we are officially re-launching the ...

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of March 23, 2015

In this week's episode:

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SpiderLabs Radio for the Week of March 16, 2015

In this week's episode:

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Drupal Compromise Analysis Including Indicators of Compromise

I would like to thank fellow SpiderLabs Researcher Chaim Sanders and Dennis Wilson, Bryant Smith ...

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About SAP security notice 2113333

SAP published security notice 2113333 "Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in SAP ASE" on ...

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TrustKeeper Scan Engine Update – March 18, 2015

The latest update to the TrustKeeper scan engine that powers our Trustwave Vulnerability Management ...

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