Microsoft Patch Tuesday, April 2017

April Patch Tuesday is here and, like the change of the seasons, this release comes with changes in ...

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Understanding and Discovering Open Redirect Vulnerabilities

One of the most common and largely overlooked vulnerabilities by web developers is Open Redirect ...

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And Then? Where is the Risk with Steganography?

In the previous posts, Steganography... what is that? and Steganalysis, the Counterpart of ...

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Protecting Yourself from MongoDB Ransomware

In the realm of malware, ransomware has been king for the last few years, compromising unsecured ...

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Exploiting Privilege Escalation in Serv-U by SolarWinds

I was recently working on an external network penetration test where I identified a new ...

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Authentication and Encryption in PAS Web Shell Variant

Introduction During a recent incident response case, we were tasked with discovering the point of ...

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Database Security Knowledgebase Update 5.12

This month's update for Database Security Knowledgebase is now available. Knowledgebase version ...

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Hey Buddy, Can You Spare a Log? Adventures in Log-Based Threat Hunting


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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, March 2017

We knew that the Microsoft's Valentine's gift to cancel Patch Tuesday on February 14th was only ...

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Undocumented Backdoor Account in DBLTek GoIP

Trustwave recently reported a remotely exploitable issue in the Telnet administrative interface of ...

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Hanz Ostmaster’s revenge: An SSL Validation issue

Why would I title a blog post with the name 'Hanz Ostmaster'? Don't worry, it's not some new named ...

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Unauthenticated Backdoor Access in Unanet

The default configuration of the Unanet web application has a backdoor that can allow ...

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Database Security Knowledgebase Update 5.11

This month's update for Database Security Knowledgebase is now available.

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Underground Scams: Cutting the Head Off a Snake

Shortly after publishing our post about Terror EK, "King Cobra" (a Twitter account that we ...

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CVE-2017-5521: Bypassing Authentication on NETGEAR Routers

Home routers are the first and sometimes last line of defense for a network. Despite this fact, ...

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SVG Files Are Not As Benign As It May Seem

Bad guys are getting quite creative trying to evade spam filters and antivirus scanners. Last week, ...

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Creating the ModSecurity v3 IDS connector as part of Google Summer of Code

A note from the Trustwave Spiderlabs ModSecurity team:

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Two Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities in McAfee Security Scan Plus

This post will discuss two separate Local Privilege Escalation vulnerabilities in the McAfee ...

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Is ModSecurity’s SecRules Turing Complete?

Have you ever seen a rule for ModSecurity? They may look similar to the following:

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Operation Grand Mars: a comprehensive profile of Carbanak activity in 2016/17

The Trustwave SpiderLabs team has been actively tracking a malicious campaign conducted by the ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, January 2017

It's everyone's favorite Patch Tuesday, January's Patch Tuesday. Historically January has always ...

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Terror Exploit Kit? More like Error Exploit Kit

Q: What does it take to create a simple, yet fully functioning exploit kit?

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Steganalysis, the Counterpart of Steganography

In my last blog post I discussed the art of embedding secret messages in any file so that only the ...

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Raiding the Piggy Bank: Webshell Secrets Revealed


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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2016

December's Patch Tuesday is here to greet you with the pleasant tidings of patches for all of your ...

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A Backdoor in Skype for Mac OS X

Trustwave recently reported a locally exploitable issue in the Skype Desktop API Mac OS-X which ...

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New Carbanak / Anunak Attack Methodology

In the last month Trustwave was engaged by multiple hospitality businesses for investigations by an ...

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OWASP Core Rule Set 3.0.0 (Final) release

The OWASP Core Rule Set (CRS) team is excited to announce the immediate availability of the OWASP ...

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