Tale of the Two Payloads – TrickBot and Nitol

A couple of weeks ago, we observed the Necurs botnet distributing a new malware spam campaign with ...

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Spammed JScript Phones Home To Download NemucodAES And Kovter

Contributed by: Gerald Carsula, Rodel Mendez and Nicholas Ramos

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ModSecurity Web Application Firewall - Commercial Rules Update (1)

We have released new commercial rules for ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF) v2.9 and ...

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Petya From The Wire: Detection using IDPS

Most malware that traverses a network do so with specific indicators, some of which look like ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, July 2017

July's Patch Tuesday brings patches for 54 CVEs, nearly half the number patched in June and back to ...

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A Computational Complexity Attack against Racoon and ISAKMP Fragmentation

Trustwave recently reported a remotely exploitable computational complexity vulnerability in the ...

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Petya Ransomware: A glimpse of the past, the present, and the future

Ransomware seem to be the trend now and this type of malware will no doubt continue to grow. But do ...

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Elephone P9000 Lock Screen Lockout Bypass

Brute force attacks against smartphones are not usually a viable attack vector. Manufacturers ...

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0-Day Alert: Your Humax WiFi Router Might Be In Danger

Over the years WiFi Routers have been notoriously susceptible to simple attacks. In early 2017, ...

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The Petya/NotPetya Ransomware Campaign

This is an ongoing, emerging story and may be updated after posting.

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ModSecurity version 3: Fuzzing as part of the QA

The stability of any given project is often tracked by its maturity, which is generally measured by ...

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Minimalist Alina PoS Variant Starts Using SSL

More than four years ago, we published a series of blogs discussing in-depth analysis of Alina ...

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ModSecurity Web Application Firewall - Commercial Rules Update

We have just released new commercial rules for ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF) v2.9 and ...

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KOVTER and CERBER on a One-Two Punch using Fake Delivery Notification

We previously outlined a spam campaign that delivered FAKEGLOBE and CERBER ransomwares. This week ...

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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, June 2017

For the June 2017 Patch Tuesday Microsoft is releasing 97 CVEs, nearly double the number of ...

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The WannaCry Impact on Databases Trustwave Database Security Knowledgebase Special Update 5.15

WannaCry is a network worm that exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft's implementation of the SMB ...

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FakeGlobe and Cerber Ransomware: Sneaking under the radar while WeCry

Recently, we observed a constant influx of spam that distributes two ransomware families, perhaps ...

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Necurs Recurs

The Necurs botnet, which was responsible for millions of malicious spam messages last year, has ...

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URSNIF is Back Riding a New Wave of Spam

The infamous data-stealing URSNIF malware has done it again and it's here to collect more ...

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Advanced Malware Detection with Suricata Lua Scripting

Normal IDPS signatures using either Snort or Suricata have quite a few options and, if regex is ...

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TheShadowBrokers Babytalk Translation

TheShadowBrokers have just released a blog post (written in a child-like style to mock the lack of ...

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WannaCry: We Want to Cry

Contributors: Phil Hay, Rodel Mendrez, Gerald Carsula, Nicholas Ramos, Homer Pacag For the last few ...

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WannaCry: We Want to Cry

For the last few days the WannaCry ransomware event created mayhem, where organizations worldwide ...

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The WannaCry Ransomware Campaign

By now you have likely heard about the WannaCry (aka WannaCrypt) ransomware campaign that has taken ...

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Airachnid: Web Cache Deception Burp Extender


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Microsoft Patch Tuesday, May 2017

Microsoft is releasing 56 CVEs for the May 2017 Patch Tuesday today. This includes 15 CVEs rated ...

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Carbanak Continues To Evolve: Quietly Creeping into Remote Hosts


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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Avast Antivirus

Last year I decided to do some security research on an antivirus product. Avast seemed a good ...

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