Lord EK: A New Exploit Kit with an Ambitious Name

After a bit of a lull in the world of exploit kits, a new exploit kit by the name of “Lord EK” has ...

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Digging Deep into Magecart Malware Part II

Magecart is the name given to notorious groups of hackers that target online shopping carts, ...

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Patch Tuesday, August 2019

The August Patch Tuesday is here ringing in patches for a massive 97 CVEs. Across those CVEs 31 are ...

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Trustwave Wins the Threat Indicator Top Contributor Award from Microsoft

Over the years, cyber-attacks have become widespread and increasingly sophisticated. This has ...

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AttackSurfaceMapper - Automate and Simplify the OSINT Process

[+] Introduction:

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SanDisk SSD Dashboard Vulnerabilities: CVE-2019-13466 & CVE-2019-13467

While recently upgrading my laptop with a new Solid State Drive (SSD), I installed a management ...

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Hiding PHP Code in Image Files Revisited

Over five years ago, we published a blog detailing how a webshell’s backdoor code was hidden in an ...

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Breaking Smart [Bank] Statements

Context In Mexico, it’s possible to receive your monthly bank statement via email.

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HQL Injection Exploitation in MySQL

Are you familiar with an HQL injection exploitation? Chances are you’re not. While you may assume ...

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Hardcoded Credentials in Uniguest Kiosk Software Lead to API Compromise

If you've traveled at all within North America, you've likely at some point noticed or even used ...

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“Sexfavor” Email Scam Delivers Danabot

Sextortion has been a widely used theme in spam campaigns since Q1 of 2018. From simple crafted ...

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Patch Tuesday, July 2019

Patch Tuesday for July is here and after the massive release in June, the 77 patches issued this ...

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Executing Code Using Microsoft Teams Updater

Red Teamers like to hunt for new methods of code execution through “legitimate” channels, and I’m ...

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UNC Path Injection with Microsoft Access

Introduction Steve Borosh is a Principal Security Consultant for Trustwave and Trustwave Government ...

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Patch Tuesday, June 2019

For June's Patch Tuesday, Microsoft is releasing four advisories and patches for a massive 88 CVEs, ...

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Patch Tuesday, May 2019

May's Patch Tuesday is here and brings with it patches for 79 CVEs. Twenty-two of those CVEs are ...

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Announcing the 2019 Trustwave Global Security Report

Today we released our 2019 Global Security Report. The report is based on the analysis of billions ...

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Fake Power and Broadband Utility Bills serve Banking Trojans to Aussies

In our previous blog we highlighted how a group of scammers were targeting financial software ...

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“Don’t Mine Me” – Coinhive

What's worse than annoying ads on a website? Crypto Miner on a website!

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VAT Return with a Vengeance

Scam Overview Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is the UK department responsible for ...

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Locky Part 1: Lukitus Spam Campaigns and Their Love for Game of Thrones

Back in August 2017, Trustwave Spiderlabs reported a spam campaign that distributed a new Locky ...

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Authenticated Arbitrary Command Execution on PostgreSQL 9.3 > Latest

EDIT (9.April.2019): We have applied for a retraction of CVE-2019-9193 previously associated with ...

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Patch Tuesday, April 2019

Along with "Spring Showers" up here in the Northern Hemisphere, April also brings with it ...

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Emotet lives another day using Fake O2 invoice notifications

We witnessed a widespread phishing campaign targeting O2 customers, that surfaced on 18th August, ...

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Spammed PNG file hides LokiBot

Contributing authors: Phil Hay, Rodel Mendrez

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Fake CIA Sextortion Scam Uses SatoshiBox

Another round of sextortion scam emails with a pdf attachment were pushed out recently claiming to ...

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CVE-2018-19386: Reflected XSS in SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer

Just a short post from me today, bringing you a pretty simple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue. In ...

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BEC Payroll Scam: Your Salary is Mine!

Con men have been exploiting human psychology since the dawn of time. Equipped with the ...

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