SpiderLabs Blog

ModSecurity User Survey

Written by SpiderLabs Anterior | Feb 22, 2008 7:32:00 AM

With the release of ModSecurity 2.5 yesterday, this seemed like the perfect time to get feedback from the user community. The 2.5 release is important as it has included many features that were identified by the user community, so this highlights the need for us (Breach) to have a full understanding of how people are using ModSecurity and any challenges you all are facing.

With this in mind, we have put together the first ModSecurity User Survey.

I urge everyone to please take about 5 minutes and fill out the survey. With this information, we will be able to map out areas where we need to focus research and development to both the ModSecurity code itself, but also with the rule sets and supporting tools.

We will leave the survey open until the end of March.

Thanks for your time everyone.