So far this year we has had two Patch Tuesday months with seven bulletins (January and March) and two with ten bulletins (April and May)and one with twelve (February) so I am very glad that we only have five bulletins this month. That gives us all more time to go out and enjoy the summer weather. Although just because there is only five bulletins this month doesn't mean we shouldn't pay attention to them. First if you are planning ahead note that four of these bulletins will require a restart after installing and the fifth one might, probably depending on what else you have installed. Definitely pay attention to bulletin number one, which is a critical remote execution flaw in Internet Explorer, which looks like it impacts versions 6 thru 10. The rest are all rated Important, with an Elevation of Privilege, a Denial of Service and an Information Disclosure issue in Windows and a remote code execution issue in Microsoft Office. The interesting part about the Office Patch is that it impacts Office 2003 SP3 and Mac Office 2011
See you next Tuesday with all the gory details!