Welcome back to another edition of "exposing Magnitude exploit-kit internals"! As already mentioned in our previous posts (1st and 2nd), the back-end infrastructure of this highly prevalent Exploit Kit has been revealed to be pretty exciting from the security research point-of-view. With this post, we'll expose additional features and cool tricks that Magnitude uses, reveal more information about its infrastructure and talk about its implementation in the wild.
Here is the Magnitude exploit kit Infrastructure schema:
You will notice that the Magnitude Infrastructure can be generally divided into three different roles:
This blog post is dedicated to the Magnitude Gateway server, its features and its operation. In order to get a better hold of this information, let's examine the process of creating a new malicious campaign:
Configuring and Launching a Campaign:
First, a cybercriminal wishing to use Magnitude must decide how to redirect traffic to the exploit kit.
Magnitude provides two options:
Cybercriminals wishing to redirect traffic through the gateway servers can request a domain from the Magnitude support team and the team will register the domain for them. This domain will be used as a destination for the redirected traffic and will point to the gateway servers. Remember, Magnitude's financial model is based on customers "paying" with web traffic. The Magnitude admins infect about 20% of the exploitable traffic with their own malware – all of that and more is discussed in our previous blog.
Most of the domain names used by Magnitude customers look very similar to legit sites, most of them are low profile. For example: "exemple.com" will be chosen as it looks similar to the legit site "example.com". The cybercriminals can control and edit this site and how it acts in the Magnitude Management Panel. This panel uses the Russian language. Below is an English translation.
Magnitude customers can enable and disable the domain. If it is disabled, they can configure whether to serve a fake page for that domain, redirect that traffic to a certain URL or return an error.
The Initial Infection Phase
Now let's see how the Gateway server is being used as a part of the infection flow:
Note: The typo in the domain name is intentional.
Magnitude customers use methods such as malvertisment, traffic brokers or compromised sites to redirect victims to the gateway servers.
Magnitude gateway servers check their internal database for the domain configuration including whether it's enabled or disabled, and the filtering parameters with each request they receive. Next, the gateway filters out requests from security vendors and law enforcement agencies based on their source IP:
The next step conducted by the Gateway servers uses the checkcountry() function in order to filter out requests from forbidden countries list:
If the requests originates from one of the forbidden countries, checkcountry() returns true, $redir will be set to zero, instructing the Gateway NOT to redirect that victim to the MD server. The concept and reasons for not accepting victim's traffic from former USSR countries, small countries from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America were presented in our first blog post on Magnitude.
The Magnitude Gateway will continue to perform additional filtering, this time based on the HTTP headers:
First, this code filters out requests made by Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP, possibly because this User-Agent is commonly used by many security vendors and crawlers. Then, this code filters out requests from web crawlers, specifically if 'google' or 'bot' appear in the User-Agent text. Finally, the Gateway filters web traffic with HTTP headers commonly used by web proxies.
The last filtering phase uses the settings that the cybercriminal configured in the Management Panel: such as allowed countries, HTTP referers or languages.
The Gateway servers are also responsible for collecting statistics per domain and they are provided in the Management Panel. Detailed description of these statistics is provided in our first blog.
FINALLY, victims that passed all the above filters ($redir = 1) will be redirected to the Magnitude MD server:
This code uses the domaincrypt() function. There are several observations about the logic behind Magnitude MD server URL structure that can be learned by analyzing this function.
Magnitude URL Structure Logic
If you ever monitored or analyzed Magnitude infections you must have scratched your head wondering what that long subdomain value before the domain name is and what it represents. If not, here are some examples of Magnitude MD server URLs that were used for infecting victims in the past:
Recall the Magnitude Gateway redirection code aforementioned:
The implementation of the domaincrypt() function looks as follows:
The domaincrypt() function gets an MD5 value of the concatenation of two strings:
domaincrypt() function simply splits the hash value into short parts, between 5 and 16 parts, and adds dots between them. That becomes the first part of the MD server URL. That's how the Magnitude admin can retrieve the customer ID from the URL. For example, let's take one of the URLs above and see how to extract the Magnitude customer ID:
The following simple script can be used to retrieve the customer ID:
Because MD5(23hyixoangcqh.cassetteterms.eu) = e50401c4a80221c190ed2e62b575808. The script's output is:
Using the algorithm above allows you to retrieve the campaign manager ID from Magnitude URLs. That's exactly what the Magnitude MD servers do.
Magnitude Gateway Fake Sites Mechanism
You may recall that one of the options that cybercriminals have when configuring a new Magnitude campaign is to serve a fake site. We were a bit curious why Magnitude customers need this option and how it works.
The purpose of the fake site option is to cause Magnitude Gateway URLs to appear as innocent sites without trying to exploit the client. This solution comes handy when Magnitude clients use traffic brokers or legitimate advertisement services as their main traffic source. The fake site' mechanism can be configured by customers in the Magnitude Management Panel using the "Fake:" textbox:
When the URL is disabled (the 'Active' checkbox is unchecked) and the 'Fake:' textbox is filled, the malicious exemple.com URL, which points to Magnitude Gateway, will fully mimic the legitimate example.com site, including all content such as HTML and JS code as well as images and styles. It will even return the exact same server HTTP Headers as the legitimate site.
How does this solution actually work? When the fake site mechanism is activated, the Magnitude Gateway runs the following code:
This code runs for every request made. First, the $host variable contains the current Gateway URL, e.g. exemple.com. A new directory with full permissions is created for each URL. The $url variable contains the URL of the legit site with the URI of current request. For example, when a victim accesses http://www.exemple.com/page.html the $url variable will be http://www.example.com/page.html. The http_class object is used to send a web request to the legit site and parse the response and the headers. The $md5cache is the MD5 value of the legit site URL, for example: "www.example.com/page.html?a=1".
In order to optimize performance, every request gets cached. Only if it already doesn't exist in cache, Magnitude will fetch the content from the legit site:
The headers also get cached and are served to the victim using the code below:
Then, the content of the page is saved to the $content variable:
The $headers array is saved as a serialized object:
The Fake sites FAQ, located in the Magnitude Management Panel, recommends keeping the fake site option activated for few days. That way it gets tagged as legitimate ads/click brokers' destination. And only then start redirecting to the Magnitude MD server.
Stay tuned for the next blog where we'll continue to examine the Magnitude exploitation flow and present the Magnitude MD server landing-page logic, how Magnitude admins capitalize from the exploit-kit and much more!