SpiderLabs Blog

Latest Web Hacking Incident Database (WHID) Entries(6)

Written by Ryan Barnett | Apr 4, 2011 6:46:00 AM

These are the lastest entries added by SpiderLabs to the Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) Web Hacking Incident Database (WHID) Project.


WHID 2011-61: LizaMoon Mass SQL Injection Attack Points to Rogue AV Site

  • Entry Title: WHID 2011-61: LizaMoon Mass SQL Injection Attack Points to Rogue AV Site
  • WHID ID: 2011-61
  • Date Occurred: March 29, 2011
  • Attack Method: SQL Injection
  • Application Weakness: Improper Input Handling
  • Outcome: Planting of Malware
  • Attacked Entity Field: Multiple
  • Attacked Entity Geography:
  • Incident Description: Attackers have launched a large-scale SQL injection attack that has compromised several thousand legitimate Websites, including a few catalog pages from Apple's iTunes music store.
  • Mass Attack: Yes
  • Mass Attack Name: LizaMoon
  • Reference: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/LizaMoon-Mass-SQL-Injection-Attack-Points-to-Rogue-AV-Site-852537/


WHID 2011-60: Anonymous DDoS attack takes down Warner Bros Records: #OpPayBack

  • Entry Title: WHID 2011-60: Anonymous DDoS attack takes down Warner Bros Records: #OpPayBack
  • WHID ID: 2011-60
  • Date Occurred: March 29, 2011
  • Attack Method: Denial of Service
  • Application Weakness: Insufficient Anti-automation
  • Outcome: Downtime
  • Attacked Entity Field: Media
  • Attacked Entity Geography: USA
  • Incident Description: The Internet hacktivist collective known as "Anonymous" successfully conducted a DDoS attack on Warner Bros Records, temporarily taking down the company website Tuesday afternoon (12:21 p.m. PST). In addition, several reports also indicate that the company's website was temporarily taken down Monday as well.
  • Mass Attack: No
  • Mass Attack Name: Operation Payback
  • Reference: http://www.examiner.com/anonymous-in-national/anonymous-ddos-attack-takes-down-warner-bros-records-oppayback


WHID 2011-59: Oracle's Sun.com Hit Along with MySQL.com in SQL Injection Attack

  • Entry Title: WHID 2011-59: Oracle's Sun.com Hit Along with MySQL.com in SQL Injection Attack
  • WHID ID: 2011-59
  • Date Occurred: March 29, 2011
  • Attack Method: SQL Injection
  • Application Weakness: Improper Input Handling
  • Outcome: Leakage of Information
  • Attacked Entity Field: Technology
  • Attacked Entity Geography: USA
  • Incident Description: The hackers who compromised MySQL.com also targeted Sun.com with a SQL injection attack, exposing database names and email addresses.
  • Mass Attack: No
  • Reference: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/Oracles-Suncom-Hit-Along-with-MySQLCom-in-SQL-Injection-Attack-727118/

WHID 2011-58: Facebook XSS flaw misused for automatic Wall posting

  • Entry Title: WHID 2011-58: Facebook XSS flaw misused for automatic Wall posting
  • WHID ID: 2011-58
  • Date Occurred: March 29, 2011
  • Attack Method: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Application Weakness: Insufficient Process Validation
  • Outcome: Disinformation
  • Attacked Entity Field: Web 2.0
  • Attacked Entity Geography: USA
  • Incident Description: A currently unpatched XSS vulnerability in the mobile API version of Facebook is currently being exploited to post messages to users' Walls, which serve as a gateway to the specially crafted website exploiting the flaw.

The flaw has been misused for a while now, but has only recently been used widely. Indonesian users are currently targeted by various groups using the vulnerability to their advantage.
"It allows any website to include, for example, a maliciously prepared iframe element that contains JavaScript or use the http-equiv attribute's "refresh" value to redirect the browser to the prepared URL containing the JavaScript," explains Symantec. "Any user who is logged into Facebook and visits a site that contains such an element will automatically post an arbitrary message to his or her wall."