Australian Prime Minister Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced today that multiple Australian public and private organizations are being urged to safeguard their technology networks, as the country comes under a major cyber-attack. He further stated that all levels of government and the private sectors are being targeted in a "Sophisticated State-based" cyber-attack.
Trustwave has received the known IOCs, and CVEs from the Australian Cyber Security Centre. We have commenced hunting for these IOCs throughout our global Fusion customer base. We are proactively devising new detection logic to identify behavioral elements of this threat. Any detection will be escalated and supported via our standard engagement methods.
Additional updates will be provided tomorrow. Interim advisories will be released when significant changes are tracked as they relate to this threat.
The actor was identified actively using publicly available exploit codes, proof of concepts, web shells and other open source offense tools, which can be used to gain privilege access on the target system. The heavy use of pre-existing tools and exploits earned this threat actor the title of "Copy-Paste".
These tools were used against publicly facing infrastructure, primarily focusing on unpatched web services that then lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE). The targeted platforms were Telerik, Microsoft IIS, SharePoint, and Citrix.
The threat actor conducted reconnaissance against the targets, identifying any unpatched services running in the environment. Where RCE was not possible, the actor used various other techniques to gain privileged access on the internet facing systems and internal machines as required.
The threat actor also used various spear-phishing campaigns on targets where the previously mentioned techniques were unsuccessful. The spear-phishing techniques included credential harvesting, emails with malicious attachments, OAuth token grabbing and email tracking services.
The treat actor actively leveraged stolen credentials and compromised Australian legitimate websites to host command and controls (C2) to avoid geo-blocking defenses of target organizations and therefore masquerade their activity as legitimate traffic.
Trustwave urges all customers to take appropriate actions to minimize cybersecurity risk. Below are the recommendations in reference to the observed attack. IoCs are available at the end of this post.
Trustwave SpiderLabs Threat Fusion Team internally strategies and prepares threat hunting plans for all significant global cyber events. We use this exercise to drive our hunt operations for our Managed Security clients. Based on the Australian prime minister's comments on 19 June, 2020 and the unprecedented nature of this attack, SpiderLabs is taking the extraordinary step of sharing our internal threat hunt plan for the Copy-Paste threat actor. All organisations can undertake similar operations within their own environment, or contact Trustwave about engaging professional hunt.
Important notes prior starting the hunt:
Usage of publicly available exploit codes:
Spear-Phishing Campaign:
Web Shells:
PowerShell reverse Shell:
Credential Access:
Lateral Movement:
YARA Rule for Juicypotato LPE
rule juicypotato_LPE:LPE
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "exe_dll"
$str1 = "JuicyPotato" nocase wide ascii
$str2 = "4991d34b-80a1-4291-83b6-3328366b9097" nocase wide ascii
$str3 = "JuicyPotato.pdb" nocase wide ascii
$str4 = "Waiting for auth" nocase wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and 3 of ($str*) and filesize < 500KB
YARA Rule for Juicypotato LPE_DLL
rule juicypotato_LPE_DLL:LPE
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "exe_dll"
$str1 = "Potato.dll" nocase wide ascii
$str2 = "VirusDeleted" nocase wide ascii
$str3 = "Page404r" nocase wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and all of them and filesize < 200KB
YARA Rule for CVE-2019-18935 reverse_shell
rule CVE_2019_18935_reverse_shell:CVE
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "exe_dll"
$str1 = "rev_shell_" nocase wide ascii
$str2 = "operator<=>" nocase wide ascii
$str3 = "operator co_await" nocase wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and all of them and filesize < 150KB
YARA Rule for malicious macros
rule macros:phishing
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "macros_VBA"
$str1 = "\\Microsoft\\Word\\STARTUP\\Template.dotm" nocase wide ascii
$str2 = "bin.hex" nocase wide ascii
$str3 = "ALL = ALL0 + ALL1 + ALL2" nocase wide ascii
$str4 = "504b" nocase wide ascii
all of them and filesize < 150KB
YARA Rule for HTTPCore PowerShell script
rule powershell_httpcore:rev_shell
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "powershell_script"
$str1 = "HttpCore.Agent" nocase wide ascii
$con1 = "RootPath =" nocase wide ascii
$con2 = "RemotePassword =" nocase wide ascii
$con3= "RemoteLangType = " nocase wide ascii
$con4 = "Url =" nocase wide ascii
$str1 and 2 of ($con*) and filesize < 150KB
YARA Rule for PowerShell Reverse Shell
rule powershell_rev_shell:rev_shell
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "Powershell_script"
$str1 = "(pwd).Path" nocase wide ascii
$con1 = "bytes = 0..65535" nocase wide ascii
$con2 = "sendback =" nocase wide ascii
$con3= "sendbyte = " nocase wide ascii
$con4 = "client =" nocase wide ascii
$con5 = "stream =" nocase wide ascii
$str1 and 4 of ($con*) and filesize < 150KB
YARA Rule for HTTPCore backdoor
rule HTTPcore_rev_shell:rev_shell
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "exe_dll"
$str1 = "HttpCore.dll" nocase wide ascii
$con1 = "RootPath" nocase wide ascii
$con2 = "RemotePassword" nocase wide ascii
$con3 = "RemoteLangType" nocase wide ascii
$con4 = "CurrentPassword" nocase wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and all of them and filesize < 150KB
YARA Rule for Downloader
rule Downloader
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "exe_dll"
$str1 = "\\obj\\Release\\Library.pdb" nocase wide ascii
$con1 = "" nocase wide ascii
$con2 = "Microsoft SkyDriveSync" nocase wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and all of them and filesize < 200KB
YARA Rule for awen asp webshell
rule awen_asp_webshell:webshell
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "aspx_webshell"
$str1 = "awen webshell" nocase wide ascii
$con1 = "cmdExe_Click" nocase wide ascii
all of them and filesize < 100KB
YARA Rule for HighShell Aspx webshell
rule HighShell_aspx:webshell
author = "SpiderLabs"
group = "copy_paste"
filetype = "aspx_webshell"
$str1 = "pro"
$str2 = "cmd"
$str3 = "sav"
$str4 = "vir"
$str5 = "J3ugYdknpax1ZbHB2QILB5NS6dVa0iUD0mhhBPv0Srw="
$str6 = {22 63 6d 64 2e 65 78 65 22 3a 70 72 6f}
all of them and filesize < 150KB