Fake Advanced IP Scanner Installer Delivers Dangerous CobaltStrike Backdoor

Breakdown of Tycoon Phishing-as-a-Service System

Just weeks after Trustwave SpiderLabs reported on the Greatness phishing-as-a-service (PaaS) ...

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Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability Leads to Stealthy Godzilla Webshell

Trustwave has observed a surge in attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in Apache ActiveMQ hosts. In ...

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Stealthy VBA Macro Embedded in PDF-like Header Helps Evade Detection

In the ever-evolving landscape of malware threats, threat actors are continually creating new ...

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Gootloader: Why your Legal Document Search May End in Misery

Introduction Recently, we’ve seen a noticeable surge in malware cases linked to a malicious payload ...

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HTML File Attachments: Still A Threat

Introduction This past month, Trustwave SpiderLabs observed that HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) ...

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Pillowmint: FIN7’s Monkey Thief

In this blog, we take an in-depth technical look at Pillowmint malware samples received from our ...

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Monster Lurking in Hidden Excel Worksheet

A recent blog by Didier Steven’s showed how malicious Excel 4 macros can be stored in OOXML (Office ...

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Undressing the REvil

Contributors: Lloyd Macrohon and Rodel Mendrez

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Messing with Azorult Part 2: Command and Control

As we mentioned in our earlier blog, Azorult is very popular in the underground hacking forum. ...

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Messing with Azorult Part 1: Malware Breakdown

In this blog series, we dive into an information stealing Trojan called Azorult that we analyzed ...

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Digging Deep into Magecart Malware Part II

Magecart is the name given to notorious groups of hackers that target online shopping carts, ...

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Hiding PHP Code in Image Files Revisited

Over five years ago, we published a blog detailing how a webshell’s backdoor code was hidden in an ...

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Digging Deep Into Magecart Malware

Last week, one of my SpiderLabs colleagues was working on a PCI forensic triage for a website. ...

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Demystifying Obfuscation Used in the Thanksgiving Spam Campaign

During Thanksgiving week, we noticed this quite unusual XML-format MS Office Document file:

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Red Alert v2.0: Misadventures in Reversing Android Bot Malware

(Analysis by Rodel Mendrez and Lloyd Macrohon)

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Crypter-as-a-Service Helps jRAT Fly Under The Radar

(Contributor: Dr. Fahim Abbasi and Phil Hay)

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CHM Badness Delivers a Banking Trojan

Like good old Microsoft Office Macros, Compiled HTML (CHM) Help files have been utilized by malware ...

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Tale of the Two Payloads – TrickBot and Nitol

A couple of weeks ago, we observed the Necurs botnet distributing a new malware spam campaign with ...

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Minimalist Alina PoS Variant Starts Using SSL

More than four years ago, we published a series of blogs discussing in-depth analysis of Alina ...

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SVG Files Are Not As Benign As It May Seem

Bad guys are getting quite creative trying to evade spam filters and antivirus scanners. Last week, ...

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Down the Rabbit Hole: Extracting Maliciousness from MSG Files Without Outlook

Email As Infection Vector

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How I Cracked a Keylogger and Ended Up in Someone's Inbox

It all started from a spam campaign. Figure 1 shows a campaign we picked up recently from our spam ...

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Massive Volume of Ransomware Downloaders being Spammed

We are currently seeing extraordinarily huge volumes of JavaScript attachments being spammed out, ...

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3-in-1 Malware Infection through Spammed JavaScript Attachments

Recently we've observed a massive uptick of malicious spam with JavaScript attachments with an ...

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Quaverse RAT: Remote-Access-as-a-Service

***UPDATE as of September 28, 2015 - see the bottom of this post for removal instructions***

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Malicious Macros Evades Detection by Using Unusual File Format

A couple of months ago we observed an influx of XML spam attachments that were actually Office ...

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Attackers concealing malicious macros in XML files

XML files are harmless text files right? Wrong! The group behind the malicious Microsoft Office ...

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