Sometimes, The PenTest Gods Shine On You

OS Image Wrangling

On most PenTests, alot of research goes into the things you find along the way. You find obscure ...

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You down with LNK?

Oftentimes on an Internal pen test, I find myself with a limited-privilege domain user account. On ...

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How to Get the Most Out of a PenTest

Being a PenTester for Trustwave Spiderlabs, I work with a huge amount of clients ranging from three ...

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It Takes Two to Tango (myself, and your unprotected file share)

BananaStand learned from last time (to see last time, go here ). Systems were patched, ACL's were ...

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Island Hopping the SpiderLabs Way

More and more, I find myself having to fight with highly segmented networks and ACL's. As a ...

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